The Quelling of Tides Tradition / Ritual in The Great Shift | World Anvil
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The Quelling of Tides

Each year when the seas are at their most violent, the tribes of the Mari Reidho gather to offer a sacrifice to the Goddess of the Sea, Mari . Each chieftain offers the most expensive slave they can find adorned with the most expensive treasures and trinkets. The offering is meant to appease the Goddess and allow them to sail the seas without the fear of them sinking ships and entire islands. Led by the King of the Seas, the chieftains cast the slaves into the deepest known part of the Gloomy Sea.


In the early years when the Mari Reidho first took to the seas, countless ships were lost to the untamable seas. The Mari Reidho would soon find out that these vast seas were ruled over by a Goddess and her children, the giant sea turtles that were guarded by serpents three times the size of the largest ships. The towering sea turtles were known to pull entire islands out from the depth of the sea and even return some to the very same depths, while the serpents would sink any ship that came to close to the turtles. Eventually the Mari Reidho decided that offering were needed to appease these Gods.


On the first Sol of the new year, when the seas are the most violent, the chieftains of the Islands seek out the most expensive slave available for sale. The slave is then shackled in irons and adorned with gold, jewels and other expensive trinkets. Once prepared, the tribes gather at the deepest known part of the Gloomy Sea where all chieftains Ships circle the ship of the King of the Seas. All there to witness the quelling kneel before the King as he offers prayers to the Goddess of the Sea for a year of calm seas to raid upon. After the prayers, the chieftains toss the slaves overboard as an offering.
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Cover image: by piotrdura


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