Albena the Silent
(a.k.a. The Green Eyed Witch & The Butcher of the Dunes)
A former Bannerman of Frontonce, Albena the Silent is viewed as both a hero and a villain. She was respected among the other bannerman as she had proven to them time and time again that she was as fierce and as skilled as many of the men. To the other races of Pangeria she is seen as the "Butcher of the Dunes". One of her main skills was on horseback, this skill would later grant her the title of captain and she was given command of a Cavalry company. Her company would be sent to the grasslands that connected Hhwecalan and the Norsskia Issleas. For several months they would raid the south settlements of the Esr Reidho. Her brutal tactics and wind elemental magic would earn her the nickname of "The Green Eyed Witch" amongst the Esr Reidho. Over time several setback would lead her company further east to escape the renewed defense. Seeking aid and shelter from the Ersajo further east, for months they fled the Esr Reidho until they abandoned their pursuit. It was in the dunes of the Leuk Londs that Aldric encountered something that was believed to be just myths amongst their people, a massive serpent that lived beneath the sands, the God of the Sands. The carnage that took place in an oasis outside Angala is said to claimed the life of not only a Old God but also the lives of Albena's entire company. The events that transpired lead Aldric to take a vow of silence as a result of the battle.
After defeating the Old God, Aldric took a section of its skin and had tailors fashion a cape out of the skin. She took several teeth from the serpent and had a blacksmith incorporate them into the hilt of her sword and into her horses armor.
Physical Description
Special abilities
Albena was originally a wind elemental. However after killing the God of the Sands, she was able to expand her powers and become a Blood Elemental. This allows her to manipulate her own blood and has kept her alive for over a hundred years. She has also manipulated her body to form angelic like wings.
Mental characteristics
Mental Trauma
In the dunes outside of Angala, Albena and her company encountered the God of the Sands. The Old God watched as her company stumbled their way through the dunes, as they saw this they began to fear that the Old God was waiting to feast on them as they dropped dead from exhaustion and dehydration. So that night Albena gathered her best warriors and the remaining horses to try and lead multiple attempts to kill the Old God. When the sun rose Albena and only several warriors were left. For the next 18 days the Old God took its time to pick them off one by one each night.
Divine Classification
New God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Green Eyed Witch, Butcher of the Dunes
Year of Birth
31 BEM
442 Years old
Curley Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations