Menagerie of the Void in The Great Dream | World Anvil

Menagerie of the Void

Many strange beings exist between the world, spawned from chaotic currents of the Void's creative magic, or from the latent dream of an absent-minded lucid. Of these strange creatures, a few have found success, populating the Void and becoming known to scholars and voidfarers alike. Here are compiled some of such beasts for your enlightenment, amazement, and entertainment.  

The Schlasla

  Schlasla consists of little more than a pair of large leathery reptilian wings fused together. Protruding from these two large appendages is a skinny flexible neck that ends with a tiny toothy maw. Despite their uncanny limberness and haunting grim, schlasla are friendly creatures. They are curious about humanoids, sometimes too much so, as the sharp claws at the end of their wings are known to puncture airbags.   They feed on mendoloids .  

The Grismoid

  The grismoid in a smill rodent-like creature. They have seraded teeth and an exeptionally long tongue

The Porepora

  The porepora tis' a loathsome beastie. Its long arms hand low below its floating orb-shaped body. They drift through the twilight regions of the void, snatching food when it draws near. Once it has prey in its arms it will open one of the tiny holes on its body and stuff its meal inside for slow and energy-efficient digestion.

Cover image: by juh juh ...