Chapter 1: Escape from the Grotto Plot in The Golden Reach | World Anvil
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Chapter 1: Escape from the Grotto

The Prisoners of the Grotto find themselves thrust into the criminal underbelly of Cetan as gladiatorial slaves. The cave system of Greger's Grotto will be their home for the foreseeable future. Who can they trust? Will they escape?

Plot points/Scenes

The Hoods Come Off

The heroes wake up after a long journey. They have been in chains, hooded, perhaps gagged, and stripped of all of their equipment. They are tired and hungry and cold. It is likely that they had just set out on an adventure of their own, only to be captured by bandits, roving slavers, or some other nefarious criminal who sold them into slavery. They do not know what exactly has happened or where precisely they are. All they know is that they now stand in front of a table of old, well-used weapons, half a dozen well armed and armored hobgoblins glowering down at them. One points emphatically at the table, grunting in garbled Common: "Weapons! Take!"


First Bout in the Arena

The heroes are pushed through a series of tunnels and into an open arena. The walls are high and dry and open to the sky and hordes of cheering onlookers...cheer. A jovial looking man stands at a raised podium above them, head shaved with a long beard, beady eyes staring down at the ill equipped party. A handful of equally haggard humans stands across from them, scared and impoverished.

The bearded man above them gestures broadly and begins a rousing speech to the gladiators and to the crowd. He says several tacitly racist things and makes a gesture with his hands to indicate the fight will be to the death. The party does not know who he is, but he very much seems to be in charge. The haggard humans across from them nervously hold up their arms, ready to do battle.

Note:If the battle goes too easily, it is likely that the man officiating the bout will release wild animals (such as one, or even two, large bears) into the arena to keep things interesting.

Introductions: Other Prisoners, More Caves

The surviving party is shepherded back into the caves, discarding their gear and given a bag of rations for their victory. They are quickly introduced to an old woman, Gran Marie, who offers to heal their wounds. She seems kindly, and appears to look after the weaker of the prisoners. The party then has the opportunity to explore and meet more of the prisoners. There are three other major characters to meet, each de facto leaders of their respective factions: Jindosh the Grasping, a duplicitous goblin covered in bizarre tattoos who appears friendly at first blush (he offers the party a pack of playing cards, and is surrounded by other goblins who seem to follow him), Haguur, a mountain of an orc who appears to be the most well respected and feared of the prisoners (he has two orcs loyal to him standing guard outside of his part of the cavern; it is apparent from outside that Haguur seems to have amassed some equipment and extra rations), and Festan, referred to some as Cleaver, a dour Drow who doesn't talk much (a few other vagrants hang out in his cave, but none of them seem to be friends with each other).

Note: The PCs have agency in how they go about meeting these other characters, and during this scene can explore more of the extended caverns or not. They will turn in when they are tired or satisfied with what they've discovered.
  [h3Second Bout in the Arena

After their first rest, the party is rudely awoken by the guards for another bout the following day. This time, though, Haguur comes with them (their interactions will largely be dictated by the PCs, particularly in how their interactions with the orc have gone so far). After going through much the same process as the previous day, they are shoved out into the arena. This time, a beautiful, auburn haired woman stands at the podium, clearly loquacious and charismatic. After a short speech, she releases a pack of worgs upon the party and Haguur. As the bout draws to a close, a man in a black cloak interrupts the auburn haired woman and takes over; at his behest, further horrors are unleashed upon the combatants.

During this bout, at some point a character with proficient passive perception (DC 15) may notice what appears to be Festan above in the crowd above them, attended to by a few guards. A sufficient perception check (DC 20) can reveal that he appears to be wounded, as if from a beating.

If they survive the fight, they will be permitted further rations and may communicate further with Haguur. Depending on the state of their relationship, Haguur may share with the party how he got so many supplies, or help the party further explore the caverns of the grotto. Before they can advance much further, however, a large group of prisoners, including the party, are shepherded above ground for various work orders.


Work Time!

The party may be split up variably, however some will be working on the docks, some with cargo, some in the tavern or bar, and others still in the arena or beast pits. At this point, the PCs will have a fair amount of freedom to explore, if they have proficient stealth or charisma. They may be able to smuggle a few small items, though it will likely take a fair amount of skill or luck. They will also be introduced to more NPCs, including but not limited to: Drussus Skull-Skewer, the head guard; Godrick Greger, the cloaked man who unleashed further beasts upon them; Gillian Greger, the auburn haired woman, charming and cynical; Gladwin Greger, the initial, bearded arena supervisor and head of the Grotto; or Gertrude Greger, the youngest daughter of the family, who will be stationed in the tavern.

Note: if someone is not initially directed to the tavern to work with Gertrude, she will beckon or find one of the new arrivals to work there with her. During this time, unless the PC(s) appear to be too malicious or incompetent. Gertrude will introduce important information about an upcoming guard rotation and perhaps offer tools to escape. She will also hint at other nefarious things happening in the grotto, as well as some of its history. Additionally, if the PCs stumble across Godrick and his study

Collaboration and Spelunking

At this point, the party will be permitted further socializing or exploring time. They can pool information, explore more of the caverns, or speak with any of the other prisoners. If they explore the old beetle tunnel in the abandoned caverns, they may come across Jindosh, who was using the tunnel to spy on the guards; if pushed either through intimidation or persuasion (DC 12), he will let the PCs know about the guard rotation that Gertrude may have explained to them. If they explain to Haguur or Festan that there will be a guard rotation that evening, either NPC will prompt them to begin an escape plan for that evening.

If the guard rotation is explained to Festan, he will blithely encourage the party to figure something out, promising aid if they uncover sufficient equipment to reasonably arm the prisoners (a DC 18 persuasion check can convince him to help regardless). If the guard rotation is explained to Haguur, he will let the party know that, through underwater tunnels in his cave, there are further caverns that may hold equipment from past prisoners they could use.

Note: the party will likely be encouraged to explore the underwater cave one way or another, as it will be one of the few sources of sufficient equipment for them if they were to wage an all out offensive on the guards. They could still pursue other means of escape, such as swimming, stealth, subterfuge, or diplomacy (or even digging their way out), but force and engagement is what will be most immediately presented to them.


What will most likely follow will be an escape attempt from the prisoners. If they have sufficient skill and armament, they could wage a reasonable melee against the guards and the Greger's, however, they would ultimately need to face Godrick Greger and his beasts, and, later, the Sea Hags he had been conspiring with. Though this means of escape will be challenging from a combat perspective, it will also be the most lucrative in terms of the experience output, as well as giving the party access to the various magical artifacts that Godrick has been amassing for the Sea Hags.
Note: At some point during their escape, regardless of how they attempt it, the PCs should interact more fully with Gertrude. During these interactions, she should hint at the true nature of her presence in the grotto, as well as lay seeds for including the party in her further plans with Nepos Sealeaf.


Intrigue and Collaboration

The tone of the first chapter is characterized by the presence of a slew of NPCs, some trustworthy, some not. It is up to the party who to trust and by what means they escape the grotto, as their are many options and several red herrings. They will not know who is really trying to help them, and who is just waiting for a good moment to take advantage.

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