Beacon Item in The Golden Reach | World Anvil
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Beacon is an enchanted longsword originally from the distant land of Mosai, said to be forged and enchanted by one of the Moseen Empresses herself. The sword is massive, and glints with silver light. It is also bound with a will of its own, and detests all things evil; only one unaligned with the forces of evil can wield it. The sword will encourage the wielder to act out of goodwill in all things, seeking justice and forbidding acts of cruelty or malice.   The sword has changed hands for eons, and is presumed lost to history or destroyed.


Cultural artifact of The Mosai Empire. It is said in some histories that the sword was built as a means to control a particularly malicious general. The commander, ruthless and effective, was too revered to be removed outright, so the Empress at the time sought a magical alternative: an enchanted gift that would bind itself to the man and curb his blood-lust.

Heavy, Well-Honed, Versatile, Silvered Longsword

2d4 (one-handed) or 2d6 (two-handed) slashing damage; +1 to attack and damage rolls
  • Beacon's Light: the sword can be used to cast the Light and Sacred Flame cantrips as bonus actions
  • Guiding Will: the sword will psychically encourage the wielder towards acts of good, going so far as to inflict mental anguish if they attempt to act maliciously, cruelly, or in the service of evil
  • Strong Alignment: the attunement to the sword can only be broken through death or murder
  • Oversized Weapon: because of the swords size and weight, it requires a minimum strength of 16 to wield
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
5 lbs.
5 ft. long
Base Price

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Weapon Heavy, Versatile, Silvered Legendary (this item requires attunement) [Good, Justice, Purity]

This weapon is well-honed: add +1 to both the attack and damage rolls when it is used in an attack.   The sword will gently nudge its master towards acts of good, up to causing severe mental distress if the wielder attempts acts of outright malice or cruelty. Resisting the the weapons will requires rolling against progressively harder Constitution saving throws. Resisting it's strongest impulses requires a natural 20.   Because of its size, the sword can only be wielded by someone with a minimum of 16 strength.   This weapon is silvered: it deals damage to creatures with silver vulnerabilities.   As a bonus action, cast the Light cantrip on the sword. Deactivate the spell at will.   As a bonus action, cast the Sacred Flame cantrip. Use Wisdom for your spell save DC (8 + Wisdom modifier).   Once someone is attuned to the sword, they can only break the attunement through death: either their own, or through overcoming the sword's will and killing an innocent.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 2d4+1 / 2d6+1 Slashing 5 ft. Heavy, Versatile, Silvered

Cost: Priceless Weight: 8 lbs.



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