The Eldritch Moon Geographic Location in The Ghastly Ruins of Beldam | World Anvil
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The Eldritch Moon

Legend among the Lycanthropes of Beldam holds that the first Werewolf was a woman named Eliza Cottingly. Eliza was the daughter of Corrina and Peleton Cottingly, part of the original colonizing party called "The Ellington-Cottingly Beldam Company" (ECBC). Born of great financial wealth and royal lineage, Eliza travelled on the grand ship, "The Elvish Mourn," to Bedlam several centuries ago.   A colony was founded in the years following the excursions and explorations of Pliney the Scientist whose efforts were funded by the ECBC. The first 4 years on the island-continent of Beldam were uneventful, the days spent clearing land and building homes, lodges, and fortifications. On the fifth year, during the first month of autumn, a second moon, smaller and glowing with a blood-red corona appeared in the night sky, moving rapidly from west to east over the course of a month.   On the final week that the moon was seen, Eliza was foraging at midnight looking for frost mushrooms. Four criminals, absent without leave royal guards, found Eliza and after attacking her, beat her brutally. As she lay dying, a female white wolf, majestic with bright blue eyes and surrounded by her pack, lay next to her and gently licked her arms and hands. The blood red Eldritch Moon emerged from the clouds, bright and imposing.   Eliza wrapped her arms around the wolf and spoke. "I name you Darkheart. Proudest of the creatures of the night. You are graceful, kind, and powerful." Eliza gazed at the waxing surrogate moon and proclaimed, "You are the Eldritch Moon! Bringer of pain, harbinger of ill-warning. Yet you have brought me Darkheart. She has comforted me in my final moments. A curse I bring down on the criminals who despoiled me and threw me down to death's door. Darkheart and I will travel this life and the next as sisters, our lives intertwined. We will seek revenge, born out of the Eldritch Moon, and we shall devour the flesh and blood of the unpure and the cruel. Our curse will endure, our pack with grow. Our lives will last as long as the Eldritch Moon takes to complete his merciless return." With those final words, she breathed her last, as a human mortal.   In the days following, various body parts and limbs as well as slashed strips of uniform were found by hunters in the woods north of the colony. Eliza's form was seen one final time by the colony's priest on the final night of the waning Eldritch Moon. She was wild-eyed and her clothing stained with blood and covered in mud. Her hair was matted and her dress torn. She wandered into the camp and spoke a warning of a great reckoning. As she began to leave, dozens of glowing bright blue eyes stared back at the frightened colonists. Wolves of pale, snowy white fur then began to encircle her. The priest was found the next day, unkempt and furiously on the church's wooden floor repeatedly... "man and beast, the creature of the Eldritch Moon, the great reckoning, the woods are not safe... the woods are unsafe."


A bright, unusually large comet that passes closer to the planet every 150 years. It contains a strange red metallic compound.


First observed and recorded as an unknown celestial event by Tavish the Star-Gazer, an elvish astronomer nearly 6,000 years ago in her work, "The Heavenly Code - A Guide to the Night Sky." It was first called the "Eldritch Moon" roughly two hundred years ago in the Ellington-Cottingly Beldam Co. colony.
Alternative Name(s)
The Comet of Ghast-Yogg-Yil

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