ECN Ship Classification System in The Galaxy | World Anvil

ECN Ship Classification System

ECN Ship Classification System is the classification of ships used by the Earth Colonial Navy. It sets the standards of construction for every type of vessel, such as corvettes, destroyers, cruisers, battleship etc. The types shouldn't be confused with the ship class, which denotes a specific design of a group of starships. One type can encompass multiple classes.

Ship Type Length Crew Docked Vessels Passengers/Soldiers FTL
Fighter 3-4 meters 0 0 0 no
Shuttle 10 meters 2 0 5 no
Patrol Craft 15 meters 5 0 0 no
Corvette 200 meters 120 1 shuttle 10 marines and 2 passengers yes
Destroyer 500 meters 300 2 shuttles 15 marines and 5 passengers yes
Cruiser 800 meters 500 3 shuttles and a squadron of fighters 20 marines and 10 passengers yes
Science Ship 500 meters 800 4 shuttles 0 marines and 10 passengers yes
Troop Transport 500 meters 100 10 shuttles and 10 dropships 2 divisions of marines yes
Battleship 1500 meters 1500 5 shuttles and 4 squadrons of fighters 200 marines and 20 passengers yes

The classification system is used also to classify alien vessels which Humans have encountered. Rarely the alien name for the ship type is used in such situations. Sometimes the alien ship's type is used as its class. It can lead to funny situations like calling a ship "destroyer destroyer" or "cruiser cruiser". Sometimes the ECN system and the alien system don't match and what aliens call a cruiser Humans may call a battleship.



The prototype stealth ship, ECNS Wolf, is in a precarious situation when it comes to its classification. It is the size of a corvette, but with the crew of 200 people it is closer to a destroyer. Some people in Earth Space Command advocate about adding a frigate as a ship type between a corvette and a destroyer. According to them, the Wolf could qualify as a stealth frigate.


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