Forgetaps Species in The Galaphere | World Anvil
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The Forgetaps are a vicious type of giant insect that looks like a giant spider that is partially made of technology. These creatures live on the planet of Rethca.

Basic Information


The number of limbs can range from 4-15, all completely built by them. The skeletons are usually quite thin, sometimes having them made by them. They are also covered in all sorts of weapons and armor.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce by using several of the females only for breeding, pumping them with forgetap semen so that they are in a constant state of pregnancy, but not enough to kill them.

Ecology and Habitats

They usually live in caves, hidden by the normal eye using sand a very slightly different color to show their entrance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When possible, they will kill higher races, sometimes getting through the wall and into the city. They usually are forced to eat snakes and

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can't hear, only speaking using telepath taught by Marnok. Their sight is very good, being able to enhance their seeing.
Conservation Status
This species is a nuisance to anyone living on Rethca.

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