The Xorus Empyrean Vehicle in The Fringe | World Anvil

The Xorus Empyrean (Zor-as Em-phear-ian)


The Xorus Empyrean is the flagship of the Advanced Personnel Extermination Program. APEX uses this ship as their mobile base of operations and it's also where the program itself is housed. Being a battlecruiser affords it both the armaments to defend itself but also the speed and maneuverability to stay on the move so that enemies of The Imperial Federation cannot easily track the ship down. It houses all the support and logistics staff of APEX as well as the researchers and information used to create more. The program itself is constantly changing and new alterations are being researched to improve upon the original design of Dr. Leftrahoften.

Weapons & Armament

The Xorus Empyrean is armed with an array of both standardized weapons and experiemental armaments to defend itself.   Along the sides of the ship are large arrays of HI-Pak 3112 Bolt Cannons. One of the newest HI-Pak designs that are capable of delivering high-density Veridium at long ranges with enough punching power to tear through even cruiser-class ships.   Aside from the HI-Paks, there are Entraxi Judicator Breech Cannons. An experimental weapon created to deliver a high-explosive payload after drilling into the hull of the ship. While largely untested save for controlled environments, the results were promising enough for APEX to order several for their ship.   While this does lead the ship to boast large amounts of physical damage directly to the hull of a ship, to dismantle enemy shields they have opted for Iskoros Prototype EMP Cannons. Eight of them are mounted at various points on the ship to deliver a large electromagnetic pulse to, at least ideally, fracture the shield to allow for their cannons to rip through.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Xorus Empyrean is equipped with a large hanger deck that houses several different ships to fulfill the roles that the Battlecruiser needs.   Usually it has at least eight Hauor-2 Transport Vessals to launch APEX operators across The Imperial Federation and beyond.   Aside from that it has a compliment of twelve Galantine-5 Multi-role Fighters on hand to support the Battlecruiser should it ever enter battle. All of them equipped with an array of missiles and high-powered armaments and usually piloted by an APEX Operator making them lethal in the void of space.
Top of the Food Chain
Creation Date
.6 Miles abeam
3.5 Miles
1.2 Miles
34 Megatonnes
Complement / Crew