The freedomverse History of Earth-Prime Timeline
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History of Earth-Prime

Timeline of Main Freedomverse Universe

  • The Big Bang
    In the Beginning...

    The Universe is formed. At that moment, Unus, the First One, becomes the first being to exist. His mind becomes the receptacle of the Moment of Creation. Almost immediately, he begins to transcribe his knowledge into the SourceBook, which becomes the receptacle of the first words and the second receptacle of the Moment of Creation. From Unus springs the Alphians, the first civilization in existence. Eventually, Phoros the Bright is corrupted by the influence of Entropy—and the DoomCoil created to trap it—becoming Omega.

  • 65000000

    Disaster / Destruction

    • The Beast of Kilamanjaro, a hulking monster possibly created as a war machine in an alien war, begins to rampage across Earth.
    • A meteor crashes into the Earth in the region that will one day become Dakana, Africa. The meteor’s impact infuses the region with the powerful Daka Crystals, the energy of which has the effect of paralyzing the Beast, trapping it beneath Mount Kilimanjaro.

  • 2000000

    The Serpent People
    Cultural event

    The Serpent People evolve into the first sentient forms of life on Earth. The ultimate expression of reptilian life, with the innate ability to perceive mystical forces, they master science and magic as well as building the mighty empire of Lemuria. Their civilization waxes and wanes across the millennia. Being devoid of pity or morals, the Serpent People experiment with native life forms to satisfy their curiosity, creating several slave and pet races, including early primates.

  • 100000

    100,000 BCE
    Cultural event

    • The Preservers, an enigmatic alien species known for interfering with primitive life and encouraging its evolution, come to Earth and perform genetic experiments on tribes of primitive hominids. The Preservers also take several samples of humanoid life and use them to seed other planets in the galaxy. Strangely, the Preservers take no interest in the Serpent People.
    • Dar of the Dawn, perhaps the first homo sapien ever, is born to a tribe of Neanderthals. His birth is heralded by a comet, possibly indicating the interference of the Preservers or another alien race.
    • The Avians, a sub-race of humanity with bird-like wings believed by some to be the result of Preserver experimentation, are driven away by primitive humans and settle in a hidden valley in Greenland they call The Aerie. They adopt a policy of strict avoidance of other races.

  • 50000

    50,000 BCE
    Scientific achievement

    • The Preservers capture a primitive human hunter and warrior. The unfortunate man’s body is vivisected and his mind and genetic profile are recorded in a powerful computer. Over the years, the hunter’s psyche is able to learn about the mysterious aliens and their technology.
    • The Preservers create an enclosed environment on the far side of the Moon that they populate with examples of life from Earth, including humanity and a species of primates later known as crater apes. The city is powered by the mysterious and powerful Moonstone, and the humans quickly learn to use the technology of the city, evolving into an advanced civilization which they call Sauren, or Farside City. The Farsiders develop a higher-than-average propensity towards psionic abilities, with those possessing them becoming the city’s nobility.
    • After completing Farside City, the Preservers leave the Sol system and, ultimately, the galaxy, never to return. All that is left of their civilization are the various artifacts they scattered throughout the galaxy.

  • 20000

    20,000 BCE
    Cultural event

    • Humans evolved by the Preservers found the civilization of Atlantis. They quickly rival the Serpent People of Lemuria in science and magic, their culture producing some of the most notable Master Mages in history, including Los the Seer; the traitorous Malador the Mystic, who is imprisoned in a magical tomb for treating with dark forces; and Naran the Wise. The two nations fight a series of terrible wars over the millennia.
    • The hunter, now in full control of the Preserver computer his mind was stored in, uses advanced technology to create a new, perfected body for himself. Exploring the world, he studies among the greatest civilizations, always seeking to advance what he believes to be enlightened principles without regard to common opinion. As his body ages—much slower than normal humans—he uses the Preserver computer to rest and regenerate, granting him virtual immortality.
    • The Ice People, blue-skinned humanoids who carve a civilization based on magic and science, establish a thriving city above the Arctic Circle. They retain cool relations with the Atlanteans, who believe them to be a lost colony, and ignore all other civilizations.

  • 10000

    10,000 BCE
    Disaster / Destruction

    • A tribe of outcast experiments of the Serpent People, led by a psychic mutant named Balor, makes their way from Sub-Terra to the surface of the British Isles. They displace the primitive humans of present-day Ireland, who call them Formorians—meaning “from beneath the sea.”
    • The war between Lemuria and Atlantis culminates in the Great Cataclysm, sinking both islands beneath the ocean and ending the First Age of Humanity and the Last Age of Lemuria. The surviving Serpent People flee to the underground world of Sub-Terra, engineering a new slave race from human stock to serve their needs. The slaves eventually rebel, driving the Serpent People from several of their cities, and become known as the Morlocks. The Serpent People create a new, more tractable slave race, the Sub-Terrans. Endless warfare drives both the Morlocks and the Serpent People into barbarism. The Sub-Terrans remain in the abandoned Serpent People cities, maintaining their technology without any real understanding of it.
    • Those Atlanteans away from the island at the time of its destruction scatter across the globe, founding several hidden enclaves of their society. These include the Ultima, who establish the hidden city of Ultima Thule in the Arctic Circle; the Utopians, who move a small island in the Bermuda Triangle into a hidden pocket dimension; and the mystics of Shambala Vale in the Himalayas, who intermarry with the local population and found the Shambala Temple, source of all martial arts and many mystical secrets. Atlantean survivors of the four great cities of the province of Danu flee the Great Cataclysm to the British Isles, where they become known as the Tuatha De Dannan, or “People of Danu.”
    • Other survivors of Atlantis become water-breathers through a combination of science and sorcery, eventually re-colonizing the undersea ruins of their ancient cities.
    • The end of the Great Ice Age spells disaster for the Ice People. Rising temperatures wipe out their civilization, and those who do not perish fall into a state of deep hibernation.

  • 3000

    3000 BCE

    • In ancient Egypt, the wizard Tan-Aktor, having turned to evil, strikes down the prince Heru-Ra. The mortally wounded prince manages to stab Tan-Aktor in the heart, and the two die together. At their judgment before the gods, the enraged Heru-Ra demands that Tan-Aktor—who is to have his soul fed to the great Devourer of all who violate the laws of ma’at—should be destroyed by none other than himself as an instrument of divine justice. The gods, both impressed and insulted with Heru-Ra’s presumption, declare that the two souls shall reincarnate throughout time.
    • To replace Heru-Ra, the gods of light invest the hero Pharos with the mystic power of the Light. At the same time, secret cults of Set work with the Serpent People to invest their own champions with the powers of living shadow.
    • King Minos of Crete commissions the Greek inventor Daedalus to design an impenetrable labyrinth to contain the dreaded Minotaur. When Daedalus completes the project, the king imprisons both the inventor and his son Icarus to prevent them from revealing its secrets to others. Daedalus creates wings from feathers and wax for himself and his son to escape, but Icarus fails to heed his father’s warning to not fly too high and the wax on his wings melts, plummeting him into the sea and leaving the heartbroken Daedalus to fly on alone. The Greek gods, attempting to make up for Daedalus’ suffering at Minos’ hands and the death of his son, grant him immortality.

  • 100

    The Pact
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Master Mage Simon Magus creates the Pact, a binding spell that changes the nature of the dimensional crossroads, strengthening the barriers between Earth and the godly realms to the point where the gods are unable to travel to Earth unless they are called upon by a mortal power. As a result, the gods largely withdraw from mortal affairs; without their influence, many ancient empires fall as their people struggle for guidance and meaning.

  • 700

    Merlin & Camelot
    Political event

    Merlin, a being born of the mortal world and Avalon, becomes Master Mage. Foreseeing the chance to bring a new mortal champion into the world capable of uniting the British Isles under a single banner, the sorcerer manipulates events to place the child Arthur on the throne. Granting the boy king the sword Excalibur, he assists Arthur in the formation of Camelot and the Round Table. The machinations of Morgan LeFay, Arthur’s half-sister, bring chaos to Camelot. Betrayed by his wife, Guinevere, and his best friend, Sir Lancelot, and challenged by his bastard son, Mordred, Camelot falls to the forces of darkness. Arthur and Camelot are taken to Avalon to await the time of their return. Merlin also leaves this world, supposedly imprisoned in one of the fading gateways to Avalon. As a result of Merlin’s failed experiment, subsequent Master Mages adopt a quieter, behind-the-scenes approach to their duties.

  • 1200

    1200 CE

    • English Lord Richard Beaumont makes a name for himself as one of the finest archers in the world; during one of his adventures he encounters his time-traveling future descendant, Fletcher Beaumont III, a.k.a. the Bowman.
    • Arabian mystic Azim the Wise, after a thousand and one nights of meditation in the desert, makes contact with the chaotic, primal force known as the Howling Dream. Interpreting the sounds of the desert as the voices of spirits, the mystic writes his observations in a book of poems entitled The Song of Night.
    • Prince Alexandru Movilâ of Bucharest, having developed a reputation for using his occult powers to keep Eastern Europe under the control of Christianity for a price, betrays Transylvania to Turkish invaders, resulting in the terrible curse that turns Movilâ into the sorcerer known as the Crimson Mask.

  • 1630

    In the Caribbean, the adventures of the Crimson Corsair and the wicked Johnathan “Bloody Jack” Carter become legendary.
    Life, Publicity

  • 1630

    11 November

    Dutch and British Puritans settle in the New World at the confluence of the Wading and South rivers and Great Bay.
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 1631

    12 April

    The Founding of Freedom

    The Great Bay colonists officially found their new community with the building of their first common house and town hall, naming the colony Freedom. Despite initial friendly trade with the Happanuk, the growth of the settlement brings them into conflict with the Happanuk and other local Native American tribes. The colony is ultimately successful, furthering its growth and attracting large numbers of new colonists.

  • 1669

    1 May

    The settlement of Bayview is founded to the south of Freedom.

  • 1694


    Prophet's Crusade Begins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Reverend Elijah Prophet, a famed occult expert and monster hunter, begins an aggressive crusade in the New World against all things supernatural. The hunt becomes known as Prophet’s Crusade. Crown Prosecutor Lucius Cabot cooperates with Prophet to convict the accused.

  • 1696


    Prophet's Crusade Ends
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Reverend Prophet ends his crusade and leaves Freedom after over a dozen people have been tried and hanged for witchcraft and consorting with the Devil. Prophet’s greatest target, French lycanthrope Henri “Lupus” LeBlanc, escapes the witch hunter’s grasp.

  • 1698

    17 June

    The settlement of Port Regal is founded to the southeast of Freedom.

  • 1719

    5 May

    The settlement of Kingston is founded to the east of Freedom.

  • 1742

    St. Stephen’s Church and Lantern Hill Cemetery are established in Freedom.

  • 1745

    Cabot, Cunningham, and Crowley
    Life, Organisation Association

    Lucius Cabot forms the law firm of Cabot, Cunningham, and Crowley in Freedom. Cabot has used occult secrets wrested from victims of Prophet’s Crusade to make an infernal pact for wealth, influence, and immortality, but witch Justina Vervain places a curse upon him, saying a child of her blood will one day avenge her.

  • 1745

    11 August

    The settlement of Hanover is founded to the north of Freedom.

  • 1770

    Protesters in Freedom speak out against taxes and injustices perpetrated by British soldiers.
    Civil action

  • 1773

    17 December

    The Kingston Tea Party
    Civil action

    In solidarity with rebels in Boston, anti-British protesters in Kingston dump shipments of tea into the Great Bay. Governor Terrance Stype, needing a scapegoat, holds harbormaster James Forrester responsible and has him hanged after a public show trial.

  • 1775

    Freedom Blockade
    Military action

    Governor Stype uses the local British garrison and the Royal Navy squadron blockading the harbor to suppress insurrection in Freedom. Major Joseph Clark, a local freedom fighter trained in tracking and hunting by the Happanuk natives, organizes a rag-tag group of Continental Army rejects into a devastatingly effective militia.

  • 1776

    Lady Liberty I
    Life, Identity

    James Forrester’s widow, Elizabeth, fashions a costume reminiscent of a Colonial soldier and joins the Revolution as the masked Lady Liberty. Using her numerous contacts, she makes sure vital intelligence passes to the right people. The freedom fighter quickly develops a strong working relationship with Major Joseph Clark, although her broken heart and his dedication to the Revolution prevent it from becoming more.

  • 1776

    Minuteman I
    Life, Identity

    In Boston, Captain Isaiah Hawthorne, a Colonial soldier on General Washington’s staff, dons a mask and takes the name Minuteman. The hero, granted the secret of the rare strength-enhancing manaka root by a grateful Happanuk shaman whose tribe he spared during the French and Indian War, gains a reputation for always showing up in the nick of time and leaving just as quickly once the crisis is over.

  • 1779

    1779 CE

    • Lucius Cabot takes advantage of the chaos of the war to send assassins after a surviving member of the Vervain family—Governor Strype’s wife, Constance. The young witch manages to send her children and their nanny to safety before Cabot’s assassins claim her life. Governor Stype, enraged at the death of his beloved wife, blames Colonial agents and retaliates against the Colonial forces, awakening the Vengeance Spirit. The terrible force possesses Stype, fueling and feeding upon his rage. Lady Liberty, Minuteman, and the French hero Bastille fight the possessed Stype in his manor. The battle engulfs the house in flames and Stype is lost despite the heroes’ attempt to save him.
    • Major Joseph Clark, using both his legendary guile and intelligence recovered by Lady Liberty regarding the supposed death of Governor Stype, takes advantage of the leaderless British troops and stages a brilliant assault, driving them from Freedom for good.
    • Following the liberation of Freedom, Major Joseph Clark becomes a special agent of the Continental Army, performing missions throughout the Colonies.

  • 1780

    Lady Liberty's Death
    Life, Death

    Lady Liberty, while on her way to deliver stolen intelligence on British troop movements, is ambushed and mortally wounded by Hessian operatives of the cruel and seductive British intelligence operative, Lady Samantha, Sixth Viscountess Savory of Sudbury. Moments before her death, Lady Liberty prays for guidance and is taken bodily to the afterlife by the Spirit of Liberty to be reunited with her beloved husband.

  • 1783

    The End of the Revolution
    Era beginning/end

    Following the end of the American Revolutionary War, the Minuteman disappears, although stories of his bravery continue to inspire generations to come. Major Joseph Clark returns to his farm and marries, raises eight children and largely retires from public life.

  • 1789

    1 November

    The communities of Freedom, Bayview, Port Regal, Kingston and Hanover are incorporated into Freedom City.

  • 1799

    17 April

    Freedom College is established on the outskirts of the city.

  • 1812

    4 July

    Major Joseph Clark makes his last public appearance, wishing Godspeed to the Freedom Militia as it mobilizes for the War of 1812. He passes away peacefully in his sleep on July 4th of the same year.
    Life, Death

  • 1818

    The Philips Curse
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Mason Phillips purchases a plot of land that was formerly a Native American burial ground. Dismissing the many dark stories of hauntings and curses, he builds his family manse on the site. Over the next century, more than two dozen relatives and friends of the family go mad while staying at the house.

  • 1825

    An influx of European immigrants results in the establishment of the neighborhoods of West End and Southside.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1825

    1 January

    Freedom City University is established, giving the city a reputation as a center of art and culture.

  • 1825

    30 March

    Henry Beaumont establishes the Freedom Ledger, the city’s first newspaper.
    Life, Career

  • 1861


    The Civil War
    Military action

    • The Spirit of Liberty, deeply traumatized by the beginning of the American Civil War, invests two women with her power: Columbia in the Union and Southern Belle in the Confederacy. Other costumed “wonders” gather on either side, forming the Union’s Patriot Regiment (Minuteman, Columbia, Goliath, Ironclad, Pathfinder, Sharpshooter, and the Lion-Man) and the Knights of the Confederacy (Achilles, Southern Belle, Night Stalker, Mermaid, Nunnehii the shaman, the Ranger, and the Fouke Monster).
    • The war is bloody and terrible for both sides, and takes a heavy toll on the heroes who each fight for the ideals of their homelands. Many of the Regiment and the Knights are dead, maimed, or mad by the war’s end in 1865, much of their history quietly buried and forgotten.

  • 1866

    The Pale Rider Rides
    Life, Identity

    Adam Prophet, a descendant of the witch-hunter Elijah Prophet, is ambushed and murdered. The Sioux shaman Broken Crow discovers his body and, using the powers of Magic Mesa, resurrects him. Prophet, donning a bonewhite mask and costume, riding a white horse named Phantom, and using trickery and theatrics to appear ghost-like, becomes the Wild West hero Pale Ranger.

  • 1868

    Rise of the Dust Devil
    Life, Birth

    Thief and cattle rustler Alexander Roja is beaten and left for dead by his fellow criminals near Magic Mesa. His will to survive triggers the magic of the area and his body and spirit merge with the land. That night, the bandits who attacked Roja are caught in a terrible sandstorm, their flesh stripped from their bones. Alexander Roja, no longer human, becomes known as the Dust Devil, watching over the mystic nexus of Magic Mesa.

  • 1871

    The Master Mage Abraham Hildebrandt dies. He is replaced by the Sioux shaman Broken Crow.
    Life, Death

  • 1871

    St. Thomas Aquinas Academy Opens
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Dr. Charles Claremont purchases the old Stype estate in Bayview with the intention of building an exclusive boarding school. During construction, the Vengeance Spirit possesses one of the workmen and transforms him into the Burning Ghost, which burns down the entire construction site. Dr. Claremont secretly calls a priest, Father Lee Vervain, to sanctify the ground. Father Vervain—descendent of the Vervain witches—believing the troubles visited upon his family are God’s punishment for their involvement in witchcraft, agrees to perform the ritual on the condition the school be a Catholic institution and he be hired to ensure the spirits remain quiet. Dr. Claremont agrees, and the ritual pacifies the Vengeance Spirit. St. Thomas Aquinas Academy is opened, with a student body consisting of many of the scions of the city’s elite.

  • 1880

    Freedom City celebrates the 250th anniversary of the arrival of the first settlers with a gala parade and monthlong series of festivals.
    Cultural event

  • 1889

    Prophet's Crusade II
    Gathering / Conference

    Englishman Herbert Warren recruits Adam Prophet to help in tracking down a killer he believes is a time-traveler from the future. Prophet in turn recruits a group known as “Prophet’s Crusade”: brilliant scientist Emily Swift; Garret Gaunt; Oberon Peake, the Fourth Earl of Tembroke; and Rostov, a silent Cossack hunter. The eclectic group travels the globe hunting the vile murderer known as Doktor Raub, thwarting many other paranormal threats along the way, including the Si-Fan cult of assassins and the resurrected mad Sikh and his terrible submersible. The group’s exploits remain generally secret until Prophet’s journals are uncovered more than a century later.

  • 1889

    1 November

    Freedom City celebrates its centennial. The ceremony culminates in the opening of the Centennial Station train stop.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1890

    Ms. Scarlet
    Gathering / Conference

    In Prague, the immortal minotaur Taurus encounters a young girl fighting off a group of thugs to protect her hard-earned food. Impressed with the girl’s skills, Taurus aids her and later takes her under his wing, calling her Ms. Scarlett due to her preference for red clothing.

  • 1890



    Jack-a-Knives Killings
    Disaster / Destruction

    Freedom City’s West End is terrorized by a brutal serial killer identifying himself as Jack-a-Knives in letters to the press, his first victim being a prostitute named Mary James. In October, Prophet’s Crusade secretly drives off Jack-a-Knives, ending his murderous rampage with the aid of Lantern Jack and the ghost of Mary James.

  • 1890

    Broken Knee
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Master Mage Broken Crow perishes at the massacre at Wounded Knee. Lady Violet Pennyworth takes on the mantle of Master Mage. Believing in cooperation between mages of good will, she organizes several European and American occult groups into a single organization she calls the Order of Light in the hopes of one day creating “a net of lights cast about the globe.”

  • 1890


    Prophet’s Crusade, with the unexpected assistance of the Sons of Merlin and other occult groups, drives off a group of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign hiding on Star Island, thwarting their dark rituals.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1895

    Lady Violet Pennyworth's Death
    Life, Death

    Master Mage Lady Violet Pennyworth dies thwarting the efforts of Kar’Kradas, Whisperer in the Shadows Between Worlds, to invade Earth’s dimension. The Order of Light takes on the responsibility of seeking a new Master Mage. The Cult of Kar’Kradas steals Pennyworth’s copy of the Manual of Modrosus before the Order of Light can consolidate their position.

  • 1898

    Daedalus, having carefully watched Taurus, manages to collapse the man-bull’s shell companies for his eastern United States corporate dealings. This catastrophic loss damages Taurus’ influence in Freedom City.

  • 1900

    Births in a New Era
    Life, Birth

    • Thomas Osiris Prophet is born to Adam Prophet and his wife, the former Emily Swift. Born an albino, the child grows into a specimen of physical and mental perfection, becoming the adventurer “Doc” Prophet, Man of Marble.
    • In China, Tzin Sing—the future Dr. Sin—is born in a remote farming village. At a very young age the child displays incredible genius in the sciences.

  • 1905

    The Lost World is Found!
    Discovery, Exploration

    Professor Arthur Challenger, a British paleontologist, discovers a world displaced by time on a hidden plateau in South America. This primeval world is populated by dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, as well as two known human settlements from ages past—the Incan Viracochasuyu and the Roman Nova Roma—and other primitive tribes. Later explorers, who simply call it “The Lost World,” discover it is actually another dimension with hidden access points around the world.

  • 1906

    The Freedom City Historical Museum is established in a nineteenth-century mansion.

  • 1908

    Upon his death, Howard Phillips, in an attempt to break what he calls the “Phillips curse”, wills his family estate in Port Regal to Dr. Reginald Carter, who converts the mansion into the Providence Asylum.
    Life, Death

  • 1908

    30 June

    A massive explosion near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia levels everything in a 35-mile radius. Although the cause remains a mystery, theories range from a rogue comet or meteor to the crash of an alien vessel or microscopic black holes.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1918

    In China, the nefarious scientific genius Tzin Sing begins building his criminal empire, struggling against various Western heroes who come to know the villain as Dr. Sin.
    Life, Crime

  • 1918

    16 April

    The Birth of Centurion
    Life, Birth

    On an alternate Earth where the Roman Empire survived into the 20th century, invading forces from the Terminus lay waste to everything in sight. On the verge of that Earth’s defeat, one of its leading scientists sends his infant son across dimensions, in an experimental escape pod, to Earth-Prime. During the journey, the child is exposed to the energies of the cosmos, giving him the potential for incredible powers. The pod streaks over Freedom City—thought by most to be a shooting star—and lands in Wharton Forest, where it is discovered by Tom Leeds. Leeds and his wife Mabel adopt the boy, naming him Mark.

  • 1925

    24 August

    A mysterious vigilante known as the Ghost wages a one-man war against gangland crime in Freedom City, heralding the rise of the so-called “mystery men.”

  • 1927

    Jordan International Airport opens.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1927

    30 March

    Vigilante Johnny Danger delivers “Six Fingers” Socci to justice and breaks up the Tomo crime family.
    Civil action

  • 1927

    4 June

    Blues guitarist Chester Brown adopts the identity of the Bluesman to fight crime in West End.

  • 1935

    Crimson Katana
    Life, Milestone

    In Japan, Asano Ranaga, a petty thief and leg-breaker for the Yakuza, discovers the long-lost Three Flames Katana. Using the cursed weapon to elevate his own status, the villain quickly rises to the rank of the Emperor’s personal bodyguard and assassin, taking the name the Crimson Katana.

  • 1935

    Adrian Eldrich, Master Mage
    Life, Milestone

    In Egypt, noted archaeologist Dr. Adrian Eldritch discovers the lost Temple of Sirrion and unwittingly revives the mummy of the evil Atlantean sorcerer Malador the Mystic. The sorcerer binds Eldritch in chains of force and leaves him to die at the talons of the tomb’s guardian creatures; instead, the spirits of three Atlantean sorcerers appear and explain that Eldritch is the reincarnation of the sorcerer who defeated and imprisoned Malador. The spirits awaken Eldritch’s latent magical abilities, and he immediately chases down Malador and defeats him, claiming the mantle of Earth’s Master Mage.

  • 1935

    Wilhelm Kantor, a German aristocrat, joins the occult Thule Society in Germany and begins to study black magic.
    Life, Supernatural

  • 1936

    Wilhelm Kantor, showing great aptitude for the occult and incredible ruthlessness in eliminating his rivals, rises to a position of power in the Thule Society.
    Life, Career

  • 1936

    In Japan, the Green Dragon Society of occultists rises to a position of great power within the Imperial government. Sharing similar goals, the group makes tentative contact with the Thule Society.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1938

    Ultima Thule
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Thule Society expedition discovers the location of Ultima Thule. While amused by the humans and their primitive notions of “racial superiority,” the Ultimans reject the Thule Society and erase their memories of their visit. However, one ambitious Ultiman, Kal-Zed, travels to Germany, presenting himself to Adolf Hitler as der Übermensch.

  • 1938


    Age of the Super Hero
    Era beginning/end

    The Centurion makes his first public appearance, foiling a robbery at the First National Bank by lifting the getaway car off the ground with his bare hands while bullets bounce off him harmlessly. The Freedom City Ledger declares this event the end of the “Age of the Mystery Man” and the beginning of the “Age of the Super Hero.”

  • 1938

    17 August

    Lady Celtic
    Life, Supernatural

    In England, Amanda Phipps-Gordon discovers a mummified body covered with glowing Celtic tattoos while on an archeological dig. Unearthed magic and past-life memories invest her as Lady Celtic, mystic protector of the British Isles.

  • 1938

    30 October

    Scientific achievement

    Chemist Travis Hunter, intending to demonstrate his light-absorbing “midnight mist” at a Halloween party, is stunned when “Martians” appear during the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, demanding all of the partygoers’ valuables. Hunter, dressed in a dark suit, cloak and wide brimmed hat, confronts the “aliens” and reveals them to be human thieves in costumes. Realizing the potential of his invention, Hunter continues to fight crime as Midnight.

  • 1938

    9 November

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Nazis initiate a series of brutal pogroms against Jewish citizens. During the assault, troops led by Wilhelm Kantor murder Professor Helmut Shaal and his wife Gertrude; recognizing their mystic potential, Czech mystic Honza Krisovar spirits away their twin children, Wolfgang and Sophie, who become the mystic light-bearers White Rose and White Thorn.

  • 1939

    Noted paranormal and psychic researcher, Professor Artur Zion, flees from Germany to the United States to escape the rise of the Nazi party.
    Life, Relocation

  • 1939

    The Thule Society begins a pogrom against all rival mystics, looting their magical resources. Many members of the Order of Light flee or go underground.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1939

    16 June

    Flight of the Freedom Eagle
    Life, Identity

    Aviation engineer Michael O’Connor, seeking to push the envelope of flight technology, discovers what he believes to be a lost Leonardo da Vinci folio—actually by Daedalus—detailing a strange flying harness. Constructing the device, he discovers it works. When fifth columnists first attempt to steal and then extort the device from him, O’Connor dons the device and a costume to hide his identity, using it to capture the thieves. O’Connor decides to use the harness and costume as the crime fighter Freedom Eagle.

  • 1939


    Aurora Press creates a comic book detailing Freedom Eagle’s adventures: A-1 Comics.
    Artistic creation

  • 1939


    In Germany, Kal-Zed makes his first public appearance as der Übermensch, the first German Übersoldaten.
    Life, Identity

  • 1939


    Wilhelm Kantor subjects brutal S.S. officer Dietrich Meinhoff to dark, arcane rituals that transform him into the shadowy Nacht-Krieger.
    Life, Supernatural

  • 1939

    1 September

    Germany invades and conquers Poland, heralding the beginning of World War II.
    Military action

  • 1939


    der Aesir
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Thule Society enacts a special project to draw upon the power of the mythological Aesir to aid the Reich. The project produces only two successes: Karl Reinhardt, a soldier in the German army, is empowered with the lightning powers of Donar, Lord of Thunder; and Ingrid Hildebrandt, daughter of a high-ranking Thule Society member, becomes host to one of die Walkürie (the Valkyrie).

  • 1940

    Amelie Dutemps, the daughter of French citizens killed for refusing to give up their home to a Nazi officer, uses her hunting and fighting skills as the heroine la Renard Rouge.
    Life, Identity

  • 1940

    White Rose and White Thorn begin a counter-propaganda campaign across Nazi-occupied Europe, focusing on undoing the brainwashing of Germany’s children by the Hitler Youth.

  • 1940

    Atlantis Uprising

    A coup in Atlantis results in the death of the king and the exile of Prince Thallor. While the prince establishes a group of loyal followers in exile, the coup leaders seek to further isolate Atlantis from the surface world, though some factions favor alliance with the Axis powers.

  • 1940

    Life, Identity

    Keiko Ishido, a mutant with the ability to control the emotions of others, having driven her abusive husband to suicide and worked her way into the corridors of organized crime, comes to the attention of the Green Dragon Society in Japan, who recruits her as Geisha.

  • 1940

    In Poland, the construct Golemeth is created by a rabbi to free the Jewish people from the ghettos.
    Religious event

  • 1940

    During the Blitz in London, Ann Pennington is infused with the power of the Spirit of Britain, granting her the mantle of the heroine Britannia.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1940


    Bowman I & Arrow I
    Life, Identity

    Freedom Ledger publisher Fletcher Beaumont, while attending a charity costume party as Robin Hood, uses a bow and arrow to deal with criminals attempting to rob the partygoers. Deciding to put his skills as an archer and an investigator to good use, he wages a war on the criminal elements of the city as the Bowman. Not long after, the Bowman adopts Tim Quinn—an orphan whose father, Matt “The Mighty” Quinn, was killed by the Mob for refusing to throw a boxing match—and trains him as his junior partner, the Arrow.

  • 1940


    Johnny Rocket I
    Life, Identity

    Bayview Heights teenager Johnny Wade is soaked in experimental rocket fuel when the stolen truck hauling it crashes. The chemicals speed Wade’s metabolism to superhuman levels, allowing him to escape the subsequent explosion. Following another car from the scene, he uses his new super-speed to apprehend the criminal gang that was trying to steal the fuel. Hearing one of the criminals describe him as moving “like a rocket,” Wade adopts the name Johnny Rocket and begins his career as a crime fighter.

  • 1940


    Spitfire Jones
    Life, Identity

    RAF pilot David Jones, his plane shot out from under him, begins flying under his own power. Possessing great strength while in flight, the hero starts tearing the wings off of Nazi planes, bringing down many bombers. Taking the name Spitfire Jones, the charming young flyer becomes a media darling. The British government tries pairing him with Lady Celtic, although the pair barely tolerates each other due to class and personal differences.

  • 1940

    31 October

    The mysterious ghost known as Lantern Jack, rumored to exist since the American Revolutionary War, makes his first confirmed Freedom City appearance in the modern age.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1940

    5 November

    Comics publisher Aurora Press adds Freedom Adventures and Crime Busters to its list of titles.
    Artistic creation

  • 1941

    The Freedom Brigade
    Gathering / Conference

    The Freedom Brigade forms to protect Lend-Lease shipments from Axis saboteurs. Its members: Commander USA; Dr. X; the Invisible Agent; the Magister, a crime-fighting jurist armed with his Gavel of Justice; The Mysterious Madame Radium; and the Sea Hawk, a shipyard heiress who developed a powerful flying submarine to combat the dreaded Nazi Wolf Pack.

  • 1941

    The Burning Ghost
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    William Warner, a student at St. Thomas Aquinas Academy, becomes the new host for the Vengeance Spirit, transforming into the Burning Ghost. Eldritch finally contains the sinister spirit with the help of Lillian Vervain. Eldritch and Vervain become close for a time and Lillian’s daughter is born not long thereafter.

  • 1941

    Lady Liberty II
    Life, Identity

    FBI secretary Donna Mason discovers a fifth column cell is planning to attack the Bureau’s headquarters. Unsuccessfully trying to warn her boss, Agent Dan Bradley, she is shot and Bradley is abducted by the criminals. Close to death, Mason experiences a vision of the Spirit of Liberty, who gives her a chance to save either herself or Bradley. She chooses Bradley without a thought, so the Spirit heals Mason and infuses her with the power of Lady Liberty. The new heroine saves Bradley and breaks up the spy ring

  • 1941

    Roter Adler/Red Eagle
    Life, Identity

    While training for the Luftwaffe, young pilot Konrad Zoller suffers a mechanical problem, forcing him to bail out of his plane. Despite his lack of a parachute, Zoller hovers for a moment, then floats to the ground. Discovering he has the power of flight and the ability to generate force fields and devastating shockwaves, Zoller is transferred to the Übersoldaten as Roter Adler (Red Eagle).

  • 1941

    Siren I
    Life, Supernatural

    A German U-boat sinks a luxury liner in the Atlantic. Lounge singer Lynn Sidon is thrown overboard, but is rescued by Prince Thallor of Atlantis. Recognizing her as the subject of an ancient prophecy about a siren of the surface world, Prince Thallor takes the singer to an ancient Atlantean temple hidden in a sea cave. There, she is infused with the power of the Sirens.

  • 1941

    22 June

    Germany violates the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, launching a massive invasion of Russia. The Russian hero Bogatyr is instrumental in repelling the Nazi war machine.
    Military action

  • 1941


    A “close encounter” with a UFO grants Sergeants Wallace Allen and Tony Gorman superhuman powers over metal as Allen Wrench and Sergeant Shrapnel.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1941


    Allies of Freedom
    Gathering / Conference

    Wilhelm Kantor leaks information that a new Nazi super-weapon is about to be tested. Eight heroes take the bait; Golemeth, Mehire and Le Guillotine are killed when Kantor and his Übersoldaten ambush the heroes. Lady Celtic, Spitfire Jones, la Renarde Rouge, White Rose, and White Thorn survive and found the Allies of Freedom.

  • 1941


    The Forgotten Brigade
    Life, Relocation

    The Freedom Brigade, outraged at the attack on Pearl Harbor, leaves to great fanfare on a mission of revenge against Tokyo. Dr. Tomorrow intercepts the heroes, informing them that if they reach Tokyo they will be captured and brainwashed by Axis scientists, then sent to murder scientists and heroes before being killed. The time-traveling hero offers to transport them to his Earth, which has no heroes, where they can truly make a difference against the world-dominating Nazi regime. The heroes agree to accept Dr. Tomorrow’s offer and are never seen again, becoming known as “The Forgotten Brigade.”

  • 1941


    Life, Supernatural

    Arriving from the future, the disembodied mind of Dr. Oberst Geistmann possesses the body of an albino gorilla captured in Africa and brought to Germany as a test subject. Geistmann convinces his handlers he is from the future—and therefore of use to the Reich—and bestows vital intelligence to the German High Command using his knowledge of the past.

  • 1941

    7 December

    Pearl Harbor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Japan launches a surprise attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. During the attack, Sarlyn—a Utopian sent to the human world to investigate the effects World War II would have on their hidden society—saves many lives. When asked who he is by surprised soldiers, he merely identifies himself as an “Envoy.”

  • 1941

    8 December

    Dr. Tomorrow
    Life, Milestone

    Tomas Morgen, a resistance fighter from an alternate Earth known as Erde where the Axis Powers won World War II, travels to this timeline. Taking the name Dr. Tomorrow, the time-traveling hero obtains an audience with President Roosevelt, warning him of the future defeat at the hands of the Axis if steps are not taken to prevent it.

  • 1941

    10 December

    The Liberty League
    Gathering / Conference

    President Roosevelt, convinced of Dr. Tomorrow’s sincerity, orders the formation of a team of American superheroes called the Liberty League. Dr. Tomorrow, as the League’s first recruit, is named team leader and Freedom City becomes the group’s headquarters. Bowman and Arrow, Centurion, Envoy, Freedom Eagle, Johnny Rocket, Lady Liberty, and Midnight become the group’s first recruits.

  • 1942

    Dr. Allen Grant, seeing the research possibilities in the city, establishes the Applied Scientific and Technical Research Organization (ASTRO) Labs—a lucrative scientific research company—in Freedom City.
    Scientific achievement

  • 1942

    Rising Superhumans

    A number of new superheroes appear, including the Patriot, successful subject of a top-secret U.S. government program; Siren; and the Human Tank and Gunner. Their appearance is matched by a number of new super-villains, including Opal, Dr. Zero, Marionette, Magnifico the Magician, and the swamp creature Tom Cypress, who band together as the Crime League. Similarly, the ranks of the Nazi Übersoldaten swell with such names as der Totenkopf (Death’s Head), Sea-Wolf, and Schlasbringer (Sleep-Bringer). Kamikaze joins the Hinomaru in Japan.

  • 1942

    Science Brigade

    Freedom City Police Commissioner Bachle establishes the Special Committee Against Sabotage. As part of this group, several former adventurers from the 1930s form the Science Brigade, known for eccentric habits and their willingness to field-test special weapons developed by the city’s most notable inventor, Dr. Dingle.

  • 1943

    German forces attempt to conquer the small African nation of Dakana to gain control of the daka crystals. They are driven off by the Dakanese army, which is far more technologically advanced than they have allowed the outside world to know.
    Military action

  • 1944

    Superior abandons Germany
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Wilhelm Kantor, realizing the war is lost, makes plans to flee to South America with the knowledge of Ultiman science he has obtained from Kal-Zed and orders NachtKrieger to cover his escape by killing as many Allied heroes as he can. Der Übermensch faces off against Centurion; losing the battle, the villain flees Germany, leaving the Nazis to their fate.

  • 1945

    Hidden in South America, Wilhelm Kantor establishes Projekt Zeugung to develop cloning technology based on Ultiman science.
    Scientific achievement

  • 1945

    Prince Thallor’s forces defeat the usurpers of Atlantis and take control of the undersea nation once again. The newly crowned King Thallor proposes to Siren, asking her to be his queen.
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1945

    Life, Identity

    An unexpected storm throws Langston Albright overboard from the trawler on which he is working. Sinking into Great Bay, he finds himself surrounded by dark shapes. Suddenly infused with the power of light, he rises from the water and tows the trawler to safety. Albright adopts the costumed identity of Beacon.

  • 1945

    Taurus and Ms. Scarlett form the Labyrinth, a secret organization intended to control the political, economic and criminal arenas of the world from a centralized source.

  • 1945

    28 March

    The Death of the Allies of Freedom
    Life, Death

    The Allies of Freedom attempt to capture Wilhelm Kantor, but Nacht-Kreiger slaughters nearly all of them before taking off towards Freedom City. White Rose and White Thorn pursue and manage to trap the Nazi shadow-creature in a subterranean prison of light at the cost of White Rose’s life and White Thorn’s freedom.

  • 1946

    The Crimson Katana murders the Human Tank and Gunner in Osaka, Japan.
    Life, Death

  • 1946

    Discovery, Scientific

    The Grue Unity and the Lor Republic wage a series of skirmishes in Earth’s solar system, resulting in several UFO sightings. A damaged Grue scout ship crashes near Roswell, New Mexico. The U.S. government covers up the crash and moves the wreckage and remains of the crew to a top-secret location.

  • 1950

    Grue Infiltration
    Military action

    The Grue Unity, now aware of Earth, send scouts to infiltrate the United States and sow dissent, making the planet ripe for conquest. The Grue scouts use already existing fear over communism to turn public opinion against superheroes, prompting the government to tighten control over them.

  • 1950


    The Killer Kaiser
    Life, Publicity

    Wilhelm Kantor rapidly ages one of his clones to adulthood; dressing him in the uniform of an Imperial German officer and christening him the “Killer Kaiser,” the Nazi mastermind presents the clone as himself gone mad. When the Killer Kaiser perishes aboard his Battle Blimp two years later, the world believes Kantor is dead.

  • 1950

    The Atomic Brigade

    To assist the war effort in Korea, the Patriot recruits a new group of heroes: the Atomic Brigade, named in the hope they will be an alternative to the use of nuclear weapons. Four members are killed in defense of Chosin Reservoir around the end of the year and the team never reforms to its full strength.

  • 1952


    Wilhelm Kantor creates the Secret Hierarchy of Agents for Domination Over the World (SHADOW), using cloned stormtroopers and resources and allies left over from the Third Reich, and names himself the Overshadow.

  • 1954

    An earthquake in Dakana frees the Beast of Kilimanjaro. King M’Zale, heir to the mantle of the White Lion, lures the creature into a trap of daka crystals to re-imprison it.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1954

    Hepcat, beat poet and vigilante, fights crime in the West End and Fens districts of Freedom City.
    Life, Identity

  • 1955

    Wealthy financier Alexander Rhodes establishes the Rhodes Foundation, a multinational investment and management company.
    Life, Career

  • 1955

    Tim Quinn takes up the mantle of the Bowman and Fletcher Beaumont’s son, Fletcher, Jr., becomes the new Arrow.
    Life, Identity

  • 1955

    The Liberty League Disbands

    With the Grue invasion bringing governmental distrust of superheroes to a new high, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) begins investigating all superhuman activities. This leads to the conviction and imprisonment of Silver Soldier from the Atomic Brigade, and the public revelation of Scarlet Spectre’s identity as Virginia North when she attempts to testify against the Liberty League. The Committee raises accusations of communist sympathies and immoral behavior, demanding the League members reveal their true identities and submit to government control. When the League refuses, the government disbands them. The group regretfully dissolves and many of its members retire.

  • 1955

    Jack Simmons, having given up his Patriot identity and feeling the nation needs a security force to deal with superhumans now that the Liberty League has disbanded, begins putting together an operational plan to create such an agency.
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 1960


    Jack Simmons’ new task force, designated the American Elite Government Intervention Service (AEGIS), is given office space in the Treasury building. Simmons begins tapping his CIA and FBI sources to recruit law enforcement personnel, assuring AEGIS will have accurate intelligence before taking the field. He also uses his friendships in the superhero community to make contact with the new generation of heroes, proposing covert partnerships and promising AEGIS will fight for superhero rights and prevent another witch-hunt like HUAC. Many heroes agree to cooperate with the new agency.

  • 1960

    The Freedom League I
    Era beginning/end

    Hades, enraged at Daedalus’ activities as a crime fighter, uses the unwitting aid of a mortal would-be wizard and launches an invasion of Freedom City from Tartarus. A number of heroes, including Centurion, Lady Liberty, Bowman, Daedalus and the Raven band together to drive off Hades and his forces. The heroes, realizing they can deal with threats more effectively as a team, band together to form the Freedom League.

  • 1961

    Alexander Rhodes develops incredible mental powers. Discovering he is the reincarnated soul of the ancient Egyptian hero Heru-Ra, he takes on the identity of the Scarab, using his abilities to fight crime.
    Life, Identity

  • 1961

    Operation Inundation
    Military action

    Overshadow, recognizing the Scarab as his ancient enemy, launches Operation Inundation, a plot to seize control of every institution in the Western world. The Scarab discovers the plot before it is initiated, but no one in the government listens to him other than Jack Simmons. AEGIS mobilizes to protect key American installations and contacts friends in the armed forces of other nations to warn them; it is only their quick action, and that of the Freedom League, that prevents SHADOW’s attack from succeeding.

  • 1961

    “Mad Dog” Rae forms the “Dog Pound Squad,” a special unit of the Freedom City Police Department meant to combat superhuman violence.

  • 1961

    13 February

    Dr. Atom purchases the newly constructed Goodman Building in Midtown Freedom City and moves there with his family.
    Life, Relocation

  • 1962

    Psychology doctoral student Cassandra Vale becomes the chosen vessel of the Voodoo loa Siren, goddess of the sea, in conflict with Baron Samedi, loa of the dead, over the value of humanity.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1962

    The Egyptian god Horus the Avenger comes to earth to fight injustice in the human world.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1962

    The Leopard King raises an army of brainwashed “Leopard Men” and launches an invasion of the nation states of Africa. At the request of King M’Zale of Dakana, the United Nations sends Uniforce to intervene in the conflict.
    Military action

  • 1963

    The Lor Republic and the Grue Unity agree to a tentative peace, inducing a state of détente between the two interstellar governments.
    Political event

  • 1963

    Astronaut Chuck Shepard is lost through a black hole, which transports him to another world. Becoming that world’s champion and granted their life-extension technology, Shepard becomes known as Space Ranger.
    Life, Relocation

  • 1963

    The Mobile European Network Acquiring Control of Earth (MENACE), a group of European fanatics, steals the plans for the Inexistence Gun. In response, the UN establishes Team Alphabet, an elite team of 26 superspies to deal with superhuman threats.

  • 1964

    Blackstone Penitentiary
    Construction beginning/end

    AEGIS opens Blackstone Penitentiary, a prison specially designed to hold superhuman inmates, on Blackstone Island off the coast of Freedom City. The United States Department of Justice makes Blackstone the de-facto prison for superhumans in the United States. Jerry Kramer is appointed Warden.

  • 1964

    The Maestro uses a visit by the Beatles to mind-control thousands of screaming fans. The Freedom League manages to thwart the evil mastermind’s plans.
    Cultural event

  • 1965

    Omega bridges the dimensional gulf between the Terminus and Earth-Prime and invades the city with an army of Omegadrones. The Freedom League and Dr. Atom are able to repel the invasion and seal the breach.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1965

    Theseus, son of Siren and King Thallor of Atlantis, joins the Freedom League as Sea King.
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 1965

    Brigade Six, a secret branch of British Intelligence, is formed to deal with threats too dangerous for regular agents.

  • 1966

    Freedom Friends, a cartoon loosely based on the exploits of the Freedom League and produced by Filmatic Studios, premieres. Although campy and childish, the show is extremely popular.
    Artistic creation

  • 1966

    Warden Kramer accepts the assistance of Daedalus in redesigning the cellblocks of Blackstone Penitentiary to reduce the chance of escapes.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1968

    Team Alphabet cuts off MENACE’s access to the Arsenal Outside Time, the place they had stolen their temporal weaponry from.

  • 1969

    Star Knight I & Blackstar
    Life, Organisation Association

    Renegade Star Knight Rojan Lhar flees to Earth. Taking the name Blackstar, he seeks to amass enough power to storm the Star Knight Citadel and claim the Star Stone. However, Star Knight Sri A’Lan Koor tracks the renegade to Earth and joins the Freedom League, foiling Blackstar’s schemes.

  • 1969

    Lady Lunar

    Selene, an ambitious member of the Farsider royal family, uses the fear of humanity’s technological development to attract a large group of followers. The group seizes control of the Moonstone, granting Selene powerful mental abilities and control over the city. Taking the name Lady Lunar, Selene orders the royal family killed; one member, her young nephew Mentac, manages to escape to Earth.

  • 1969

    20 July

    Apollo 11 delivers the first humans to the Moon. The inhabitants of Farside City watch the mission carefully, now aware of the speed of humanity’s technological development.

  • 1969

    9 September

    Chester Brown, the Bluesman, passes away. The city mourns the gang-busting hero and honors him with a statue in Liberty Park. The grove where the statue stands comes to be known as Heroes Knoll.
    Cultural event

  • 1969

    14 October

    Life, Organisation Association

    A scouting party from the Grue Unity infiltrates humanity. Seeking to infiltrate the Freedom League, the alien plot is foiled when one of their number, R’ik Faax, finds individuality and sympathy for the human race and exposes his fellow Grue. For his betrayal, R’ik Faax is banished from the Unity and marooned on Earth, where he creates the identity of freelance journalist Rick Fox and joins the Freedom League as Pseudo.

  • 1970

    Sonic-powered Freedom League member and protégé of Daedalus, Mary Minstrel, dies.
    Life, Death

  • 1970

    White Lion, the heir to the African Kingdom of Dakana, joins the Freedom League.
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 1971

    The Choral
    Technological achievement

    To honor her memory, Daedalus uses Mary Minstrel’s brain patterns to create the Chorale—Aria, Paean and Panegyric—three symbiotically connected androids with vocal powers. While initially identical, over time they develop distinct personalities, becoming valued allies of the Freedom League.

  • 1971

    The first annual C.B. Blues Festival—named for the Bluesman, Chester Brown—is held in Liberty Park.
    Cultural event

  • 1971

    Fletcher Beaumont, Jr., having problems with alcoholism brought on by the stress of his double life, retires as Arrow. Although the story is never made public, Tim Quinn retires soon after as Bowman.
    Life, Career

  • 1971

    Talos creates the Foundry, an organization intended to distribute weapons to humanity with the ultimate goal of their destruction, leaving the world free for artificial life to control.

  • 1972

    4 June

    Liberty Fades
    Life, Career

    Lady Liberty’s powers inexplicably fade and eventually disappear altogether. Although she continues to operate without them for a time, Donna Mason eventually retires as a crime fighter. Strangely enough, as the years pass, the public’s memories of the specifics of Donna Mason’s time as Lady Liberty slowly and inexorably fade as well.

  • 1972

    24 August

    The Raven Rests
    Life, Career

    The Raven confronts his archenemy Dr. Sin on-board his airship fleet and destroys it with the aid of the villain’s daughter Jasmine, seemingly killing the villain but suffering crippling injuries in the process. Duncan Summers retires as the Raven and marries Jasmine.

  • 1974

    Fletcher Beaumont, Jr., in recovery from alcoholism, claims the mantle of Bowman, training former gang member Ethan Keller as the new Arrow. The White Lion leaves the Freedom League, returning to Dakana to assume his responsibilities as king.
    Life, Identity

  • 1975

    Evening, a former Brigade Six agent from the UK, makes her heroic debut when she stops a robbery in Freedom City, quickly becoming the unofficial heroine of the West Side.
    Life, Identity

  • 1975

    The Icarus takes Flight

    Daedalus, tiring of the endless battles and beginning to question the purpose of his immortal life, constructs a starship of his own design—the Icarus—and leaves Earth to explore the galaxy. Pseudo, feeling isolated from humanity, joins the inventor in his travels.

  • 1976

    Mentac the Magnificent
    Life, Relationship change

    While attending Hanover Institute of Technology, Andrea Atom meets Mentac, hiding on Earth as a debunker of the paranormal calling himself Mentac the Magnificent. Andrea introduces Mentac to her father, beginning a long association between the mentalist and the Atom Family.

  • 1976

    The Eye of Vengeance, a cybernetic assassin created by the Labyrinth, is sent to eliminate Evening. Evening eventually uses her mental powers to override the Labyrinth’s brainwashing, freeing his human consciousness.
    Life, Relationship change

  • 1977

    Evening and the now-renamed Eye of Justice begin fighting crime as a duo, confronting Jack-A-Knives, the Labyrinth, and other foes.
    Life, Career

  • 1977

    The Atom Family I
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Atom Family—Dr. Atom, Andrea Atom, Jack Wolf, and Mentac—begin a series of adventures across the Earth, through outer space and across the very dimensions themselves. Most of the group’s exploits do not become widely known to the public. During one of the Atom Family’s adventures, Jack Wolf is temporarily transformed by the influence of the Moonstone into the lupine Wolfjack.

  • 1977

    Adrian Eldritch relocates to Freedom City, in its Riverside neighborhood.
    Life, Relocation

  • 1977

    Star Knight finally captures Blackstar and leaves the League and Earth to take the villain to Mentor for trial. The traitorous knight is sentenced to imprisonment on a faraway asteroid.
    Life, Milestone

  • 1977


    An op-ed piece in the Freedom Ledger refers to the team of Evening and the Eye of Justice as the “Eyes of Night.” The name sticks and the pair adopt it as their official title.
    Life, Identity

  • 1978

    Operation Inundation II
    Disaster / Destruction

    SHADOW initiates a second Operation Inundation using Overshadow’s army of clones. The plot is foiled when the Scarab pushes his mental powers to the limit and turns the clones against each other by making them, temporarily, believe they are the true Overshadow.

  • 1978

    Arrow Alone
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    During a battle with the Shark Syndicate, Bowman and Arrow suffer a humiliating defeat due to Bowman’s relapsed drunkenness. Arrow eventually manages to take down the criminal gang on his own, but is so disgusted with his mentor’s behavior he leaves the partnership to operate on his own.

  • 1979

    Death of the Scarab
    Life, Death

    Overshadow unleashes the Scions of Sobek and the immortal sorcerers attack Freedom City, seizing control of the minds of most of the Freedom League. Scarab’s new protégé, Brainstorm, tries to defeat the Scions, but is no match for their sheer strength and perishes just as the Scarab arrives. Scarab, still not at full-strength after taxing his abilities during Operation Inundation, pushes himself past his limits to free the League from the Scions’ control, dying in the process. The League overcomes the Scions with the aid of Eldritch.

  • 1979

    The immortal Lucius Cabot, posing as his own descendant, reestablishes the law firm of Cabot, Cunningham & Crowley in Freedom City.
    Life, Career

  • 1979

    The Furies Three
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Chorale, abandoned by Daedalus, are attacked by Jack-a-Knives at Hades’ urging. The androids destroy Jack’s host-body, breaking with their original programming. Changing their collective name to the Erinyes and their individual names to Tisiphone, Megaera and Alecto, the three inflict harsh punishment on those they deem to have done wrong. A TV news reporter nicknames them the Furies Three.

  • 1980

    Citizens for Order, Decency, and Ethics (CODE) is founded. The organization calls for greater regulation and control over costumed heroes, citing dangers to impressionable children as well as to law and order.
    Political event

  • 1980

    Farside Fate

    Mentac reveals his origins to the rest of the Atom Family. The group travels to the Moon to confront Lady Lunar and frees the city from her despotic rule. Although the rightful heir, Mentac abdicates and helps set up a democratic system of government. Mentac finally confesses his love for Andrea, who wholeheartedly returns his feelings.

  • 1980

    A disillusioned Arrow adopts the new codename of Archer and begins a ruthless war on drug-lords and organized crime, sometimes using lethal force to achieve his goals.
    Life, Career

  • 1981

    Evening and the Eye of Justice are married. The Freedom City Police Department makes the Eyes of Night honorary police officers and appoints them deputies of the Department.
    Life, Career

  • 1981

    A serial killer known as “Gemini” kills dozens of people. AEGIS agent Horatio (Harry) Powers manages to identify and track down Gemini, using experimental antipsionic technology to help overcome him.
    Civil action

  • 1981

    A massive bronze statue honoring the sacrifice of Brainstorm and the Scarab is established in the lobby of 1 Pyramid Plaza.
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1981

    The Katanarchists launch a devastating attack on the Freedom League, resulting in the deaths of two new members, Tectonic and Halogen. After the Katanarchists are defeated, Centurion disbands the Freedom League.
    Life, Death

  • 1983

    Blackstone Riots
    Disaster / Destruction

    Inmates at Blackstone Federal Penitentiary, led by Doc Abattoir and Countess Azure, incite a riot. The warden and 40 guards are killed, as well as both of the instigators and the villains Ramrod, Sir Razor, the Wraith, the Silver Satyr, Ms. Malice, and the triplets known as ConflagNation. Only the clear-headed actions of the prison staff, led by rookie guard Joshua Drummer, and the technology of Dr. Abby Wallace keep any prisoners from actually escaping. Public blame for the disaster falls on the city administration as well as absent heroes, despite evidence distractions had been set up to keep heroes like Centurion occupied during the prison break. CODE, in particular, lambasts against the failures leading to the riot; their membership swells as a result. The day after the Blackstone Riot, an envelope—anonymously sent by Doc Abattoir—arrives at the Daily Herald, containing the secret identities of the Eyes of Night. The newspaper publishes the information, effectively ending the heroic pair’s anonymity.

  • 1983

    Taurus creates the Zodiac Cartel, a fictional criminal organization supposedly responsible for numerous bank robberies, hijackings and murders, as a distraction from the Labyrinth; failed or clumsy SHADOW operations are attributed to the made-up group.

  • 1984

    Price of Freedom

    Mayor Moore appoints the corrupt Roy Alquist as commissioner of the police on a platform of “restoring law and order.” Alquist forms the “Price of Freedom” SWAT team, heralding the new unit as the most innovative and unique squad of police in the city’s history, blithely ignoring such previous special police groups as the Science Brigade and Dog Pound.

  • 1984

    The Moore Act
    Civil action

    Backed by support from CODE and a secret cadre of criminal organizations, including Augustus Roman’s Circus Maximus and the Oliverti Mob, Franklin Moore is elected mayor of Freedom City on a platform of “zero tolerance” for superhuman vigilantism. As his first act in office, the mayor quickly signs the Moore Act, outlawing all costumed heroes in “his” city, threatening them with arrest if they continue to operate outside the law. The police and mayor’s office become increasingly corrupt and criminal kingpins gain strong influence, operating with near impunity. Most heroes comply with the law and either retire or leave the city. Others choose to ignore it and operate secretly. Director Simmons covertly uses AEGIS to help superheroes who have not descended into vigilantism.

  • 1984

    18 April

    Andrea Atom and Prince Mentac are married, bringing an end to the Atom Family’s adventures. A heartbroken Jack Wolf leaves Freedom City to join the Soldiers of Fortune mercenary group.

  • 1985

    St. Thomas Aquinas Academy student Micky Graves awakens the Vengeance Spirit. The terrible entity possesses Graves, granting him the power to transform at night into a fiery, motorcycle-riding agent of vengeance known as the Hellrider.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1985

    FORCE Ops

    Archer forms a new team called Freelance Organization of Criminal Elimination Operatives (FORCE Ops), consisting of himself, Bruiser, Network, Kismet, El Gato, and Nightrage. The group wages a brutal war against Mayor Moore’s corrupt political machine as well as other criminal threats. The new heroes are quickly branded outlaws by the mayor’s office.

  • 1985

    Andrea Atom and Mentac’s first child, Maximus, is born.
    Life, Birth

  • 1986

    Tesla “Tess” Atom is born. The Atom Family begins splitting their time between Freedom City and Farside City, allowing Mentac to advise the fledgling council while Dr. Atom and Andrea study Farsider technology.
    Life, Birth

  • 1987

    The despotic Star-Khan, brutal ruler of a savage interstellar empire, leads his fleet against the Lor Republic. On the verge of victory, the Star Knights and Daedalus join the battle on the side of the Lor.
    Military action

  • 1987

    A Labyrinth test subject develops the power to teleport through doorways, steals a prototype kinetistaff, and escapes. Calling himself Trap Door, he gains a reputation as a Robin Hood figure—stealing, but giving money to orphanages and other charities.
    Life, Milestone

  • 1988

    SHADOW’s leaders, factionalized due to internal conflicts, break out into open warfare with each other.

  • 1988

    The Lor Republic, following the invasion of the Star-Khan and the incursions of the Grue, initiate an effort to engineer more powerful mentats.
    Scientific achievement

  • 1988

    The Eyes of Night return to Freedom City and operate in the West End and Fens neighborhood in defiance of the Moore Act, overthrowing the Fearsome’s control of the criminal underworld there.
    Life, Career

  • 1988

    Mayor Moore is re-elected in Freedom City—despite numerous rumors and accusations of corruption, misappropriation of funds, and nepotism within the administration—due to the support of CODE and other citizen action groups.
    Political event

  • 1988

    Captain Thunder & Dr. Stratos
    Life, Identity

    Brilliant meteorologist and R&D scientist for Nolan Aircraft, Dr. Sebastian Stratos, enraged over the rejection of his theories for weather manipulation technology, develops a working prototype for a weather control device that he directs at Nolan Aircraft, forcing down the experimental X-14 supersonic plane piloted by Ray Gardner. Dr. Stratos then threatens to ground all air traffic if he is not paid millions in ransom. Unbeknownst to Stratos, the energy of the device infused Gardner with incredible strength, resilience and power over electricity. Calling himself Captain Thunder , the new hero tracks down Dr. Stratos’ hidden lair and defeats him.

  • 1989

    Freedom City celebrates its bicentennial.
    Cultural event

  • 1989

    Ray and Nancy Gardner’s son, Ray Gardner, Jr., is born.
    Life, Birth

  • 1989

    European activist Dominic Ashe takes over as leader of a small, violent circle of terrorist he names “the Overthrow of Western Civilization,” or simply Overthrow.

  • 1989

    Eddie Graves turns states evidence against the mob, accepting a jail sentence as part of his plea bargain. No longer hating his father, the Vengeance Spirit leaves Mickey Graves, taking with it his ability to transform into the Hellrider.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1989

    Raven II
    Life, Identity

    During Callie Summers’ sixteenth birthday party, Dr. Sin re-emerges from hiding and kidnaps his granddaughter. Duncan Summers—reclaiming his Raven identity—and Jasmine Summers track down the villain, but while successful in freeing their daughter, Jasmine is killed when she throws herself in front of her father’s death ray to save her husband. Not long thereafter, Callie Summers begins operating covertly as the Raven.

  • 1989

    Overthrow escalates its attacks in Europe, attracting the attention of Overshadow, who offers to become Dominic Ashe’s patron. With SHADOW’s backing, Overthrow begins to reorganize and expand.

  • 1989

    Overshadow retakes control over his organization and removes from power those who corrupted SHADOW with “crass commercialism.”
    Life, Milestone

  • 1989

    Grant Technologies
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Jonathan Grant is introduced to Taurus and the Labyrinth after proving himself sufficiently ruthless. As a show of loyalty, Grant sacrifices his father Charles to Hades, making the death appear to be a sudden heart attack. Although foul play is suspected, none can be proven: Jonathan takes over as head of Grant Technologies.

  • 1989

    Chase Atom is born in Farside City.
    Life, Birth

  • 1990

    Patriot vs Overshadow
    Life, Milestone

    Jack Simmons suffers a massive heart attack brought on by years of stress and overwork, forcing him to retire. Harry Powers is appointed Director of AEGIS. Overshadow uses the Tapestry of Fate to invade AEGIS HQ in an attempt to destroy his old enemy Simmons, but suffers a resounding defeat.

  • 1990

    Security Chief Joshua Drummer is appointed the new Warden of Blackstone Federal Penitentiary. He appoints Dr. Abby Wallace as Chief of Security.
    Life, Career

  • 1991

    Freedom City Deputy Mayor Albert Barker is indicted for his involvement in the murder of two DEA agents. Over the next 13 months, 34 other members of the Moore administration are charged with crimes ranging from racketeering to bribery and tax evasion.
    Civil action

  • 1991

    The Lincoln Youth Center is established in Freedom City. The center, run by the former Black Avenger, Wilson Jeffers, becomes extremely successful in reducing gang and youth violence in the district.
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 1991

    Michael O’Connor, Jr. announces his candidacy for mayor of Freedom City. Despite numerous attempts to discredit him as well as several death threats, O’Connor’s “No Moore!” platform becomes extremely popular.
    Life, Career

  • 1992

    "No Moore!"
    Civil action

    Facing irrefutable evidence of corruption and FORCE Ops’s revelation of the mayor’s ties to organized crime, the Moore administration is soundly defeated by Michael O’Connor, Jr. and his “No Moore” campaign. Moore, while never personally charged with a crime, leaves the city in disgrace. The Price of Freedom team is disbanded and most of its members, facing corruption charges, leave the city. Mayor O’Connor devotes his effort and fortune to reestablishing the public’s trust in the government, immediately working to repeal the Moore Act.

  • 1992

    Augustus Roman, no longer under the protection of the mayor’s office, is exposed for bribing several members of the Moore administration. His criminal syndicate collapses, allowing Raphael Oliverti to take over the Freedom City underworld.
    Life, Crime

  • 1993

    The Death of Dr. Arom
    Life, Death

    Dr. Alexander Atom, his heath failing from cancer, exhaustion, and grief over the loss of his daughter and son-in-law, transfers his mind into a holographic computer system, allowing his physical body to die. Jack Wolf returns to the Atom Family to help care for Andrea and Mentac’s orphaned children, becoming their legal guardian.

  • 1993

    Claremont Academy opens

    St. Thomas Aquinas Academy, having suffered terrible damage during the Terminus Invasion, closes its doors. It is purchased by Duncan Summers, who reestablishes the faded school as an academy where young superhumans may receive training. The school is renamed the Claremont Academy in honor of its founder.

  • 1993

    16 February

    The Terminus Invasion
    Disaster / Destruction

    Omega launches a new invasion of Earth, using Freedom City as a beachhead. Dr. Atom tries to seal the dimensional breach while Andrea Atom and Mentac dive through the gate to try and hold off Omega. The lord of the Terminus apparently vaporizes the pair without effort and invaders pour through the gateway, blasting open the walls of Blackstone Federal Prison, releasing prisoners to sow chaos or to become agents of the Lord of the Terminus. Over the next four days, nearly every hero, law enforcement, and military agency in the city band together to fight back; even SHADOW covertly attacks Omega’s troops. Daedalus, having been made aware of the attack, returns from space to assist. Many heroes die in battle, including the Flea, Kismet, Network, and Nightrage. Centurion personally battles Omega, shattering Omega’s armor and forcing him to flee, but Centurion perishes in the process—the moment captured on film by Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Christina Valley. The Eyes of Night, seen fighting Omegadrones during the battle, vanish afterwards, their whereabouts unknown.

  • 1993

    20 February

    I am Metropolis
    Life, Birth

    A mysterious entity composed of concrete, glass, and steel appears in the midst of the devastation of the Terminus Invasion, declaring, “I am Metropolis.” The entity then speaks with representatives of the city government and, while offering no explanation as to his origins, makes clear his intent to aid the city. He begins working with scientists and rescue workers, who name him “Dr. Metropolis.” The new ally of the city uses his powers to direct emergency personnel and speed repairs at an astonishing rate, granting the city an incredible new infrastructure in record time.

  • 1993
    FORCE Ops Disbands

    Its ranks decimated during the invasion, FORCE Ops disbands. Ethan Keller, exhausted by the constant fighting and humbled by the Terminus Invasion and the loss of so many of his friends, retires as Archer and becomes a freelance security consultant.

  • 1993
    The Centurion's Funeral
    Cultural event

    In the aftermath of the Terminus Invasion, the city and the world mourn the death of Centurion. At the funeral, Jack Simmons delivers a blazing eulogy, declaring Freedom City should welcome its heroes back with open arms; he further asks the heroes to rally beside AEGIS. A grateful Mayor O’Connor repeals the Moore Act, allowing superheroes to once again legally aid a grateful city.

  • 1994

    The otherworldly imp known as Quirk makes his first appearance in Freedom City, before Captain Thunder tricks him into returning where he came from.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1994

    The incorporation of the U.N.’s superhuman agencies is completed; the new organization is named the United Nations International Superhuman Oversight Network (UNISON). Carlos Santiago of Spain is named its first director.

  • 1994

    Captain Thunder, Daedalus, Dr. Metropolis, the Raven, and Siren officially reestablish the Freedom League.

  • 1994

    15 February

    Honor Day

    Mayor O’Connor establishes Honor Day, an annual citywide holiday to commemorate the end of the Terminus Invasion and honor the sacrifice of Centurion and other fallen heroes, with the dedication in Riverside Park of the Sentry Statue, a 100 foot sculpture of gold tinted marble, designed by Raul Diaz. Statues of the other heroes who died, including a miniature version of the Sentry Statue, are raised at Heroes’ Knoll in Liberty Park.

  • 1996

    The STAR Squad

    Mayor O’Connor activates the Special Tactics and Regulation (STAR) Squad of the FC Police Department to deal with super-powered threats; Leonard Upton is appointed to head up the squad. The STAR Squad faces its first challenge when the Fear-Master activates an experimental device that turns the citizens against superheroes. The officers are able to rally enough people to fight their fears and force the villain to retreat.

  • 1996

    Talos creates the android Argo, able to mimic the powers of other beings. Argo nearly destroys the Freedom League and is only stopped by the genius of Daedalus, which it is unable to duplicate.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1996

    Quirk initiates a battle that culminates in a local restaurant being turned into a pie-throwing monster.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1997

    The Factor Four attack the Atom Family at the Goodman Building. While the Atoms are victorious, the top three floors of their home are destroyed. With Dr. Metropolis’ help, the damage is repaired by year’s end.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1997

    "Big Al" takes charge
    Life, Crime

    Mob boss Raphael Oliverti is assassinated by persons unknown; although his oldest son, Giovanni “Johnny” Oliverti, takes over the family, the other families insist leadership of the Mafia pass to Alberto “Big Al” Driogano. “Big Al” surprises everyone by quickly and aggressively expanding operations within the city.

  • 1998

    Johnny Rocket II
    Life, Identity

    Johnny Rocket, the grandson of the Liberty League member of that name, gains his powers and accepts an invitation to join the Freedom League. Unfortunately, his lack of a secret identity allows an ex-boyfriend to reveal details of Johnny’s personal life to the tabloids; rather than deny it, he comes out publicly, becoming the first openly gay superhero.

  • 1998

    The Atom Family II
    Life, Milestone

    Maximus, Tesla, Victoria, and Chase Atom are revealed to have mutant powers. Maximus has powers over his body’s atomic structure, Tesla displays the ability to generate and manipulate nucleonic energy fields, Victoria has the power to change her shape, and Chase displays telepathic abilities.

  • 1998

    Bill “Bulldog” Maddicks, known throughout the force for his tough methods, becomes new commander of the STAR Squad.
    Life, Career

  • 1998

    Augustus Roman organizes the Circuit Maximus, an underground fight league using super-powered combatants.
    Life, Crime

  • 1998

    The Collective makes its first appearance. The Atom family manages to stop the Collective by breaking it down into its component parts, but elements of the swarm survive and eventually reform.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 1999

    UNISON Director Santiago is assassinated by agents of Overthrow; he is replaced by Harry Smith of Jamaica.
    Life, Death

  • 1999

    Life, Identity

    Lemar Phillips, a young man from the Lincoln area of Freedom City, gains sonic powers and takes on the identity of Sonic, training with his mentor Wilson Jeffers, the former Black Avenger.

  • 1999

    31 December

    The Freedom League defeats the Millennium Bug and his Y2K Drones, preventing the longfeared millennial computer shutdown.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2000

    Thieves Guild

    First appearance of the criminal Thieves Guild as a team, consisting of Bolo, Firebug, Huckster, Looking Glass, Mad Maple, and the Weather Mistress.

  • 2000

    UNISON Director Harry Smith is assassinated by Overthrow.
    Life, Death

  • 2000

    31 December

    Blackstone Jailbreak
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Millennium Bug, with the aid of forces from the Terminus, engineers a mass jail break from Blackstone Prison. While the Bug and most others are defeated, it takes the world’s heroes over six months to recapture all of the escapees.

  • 2001

    Claremont's First Class
    Construction beginning/end

    Duncan Summers completes the renovation of Claremont Academy and takes in its first new group of students, including Bowman (Fletcher Beaumont III), Megastar, Nereid, Seven, and Sonic.

  • 2001

    Disaster / Destruction

    Avian warrior Talona attacks Grant Conglomerates over a threat to the Aerie. Lady Liberty is able to stop Talona from doing any serious harm, and the Freedom League provides aid to the Avians.

  • 2001

    22 June

    An alliance of super-villains destroys Freedom Hall and disables most of the League. The villains are narrowly defeated by Daedalus, although unconfirmed rumors suggest he had help from Foreshadow.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2001


    The Next-Gen

    The last villain to escape from Blackstone, the plant controlling Green Man, is defeated by a group of superpowered students from Claremont Academy. When asked by the press if they worked with the Freedom League, Sonic cockily states “They’re old school. We’re the Next-Gen!” The moniker sticks with the young heroes as they begin to make a name for themselves.

  • 2002

    Suspected mobster Thomas Gianetti is assassinated by the sonic weapon wielding Silencer, making Gianetti the vigilante’s sixth victim.
    Life, Death

  • 2002

    Jennifer Ellis is appointed director of UNISON. She manages to escape the expected assassination attempts by Overthrow.
    Life, Career

  • 2002

    White Knight
    Life, Identity

    The White Knight, a radical racist empowered by the dark entity Mr. Infamy, attacks the opening ceremony of the Celebrate Diversity festival in the Riverside district. Johnny Rocket is able to prevent the White Knight from disrupting the ceremony, although the villain escapes capture.

  • 2002

    The Alpha-Centurion

    The Alpha-Centurion, a creation of Omega, masquerades as the real Centurion returned from death, until Raven learns the truth and the League manages to banish him to the Zero Zone.

  • 2002

    30 April

    The Atom Family thwarts the Factor Four’s theft of archeological artifacts for an occult ritual to increase their power.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 2002

    5 May

    Argo Rampage
    Disaster / Destruction

    Argo reactivates and breaks out of ASTRO Labs, rampaging across the city until the Freedom League is able to once again deactivate him. Argo’s sudden reactivation by his creator Talos serves as a distraction while Foundry agents steal from local tech companies.

  • 2002

    20 June

    The Raven and her long time foe, the world-class thief Magpie, temporarily join forces to capture a mysterious time-and-dimension traveling thief who had stolen several art treasures.

  • 2002

    7 July

    Disaster / Destruction

    Gigantosaur, driven from the depths by Atlanteans under the influence off the Serpent Scepter, arises from Great Bay and attacks Ocean Heights Amusement Park. Members of the Freedom League are able to rescue the park-goers and drive the monster back into the sea.

  • 2002

    8 July

    Atlantis Attack
    Military action

    The deep ones mobilize the Atlantean military to invade the surface world but are stopped by a combination of the Freedom League and Atom Family; the Next-Gen take their teammate Nereid to free her father and the rest of the Atlantean royal family from the deep ones’ influence, averting the invasion.

  • 2003

    Captain Thunder Revealed
    Life, Relocation

    Dr. Stratos captures Captain Thunder and reveals the hero’s secret identity on live TV. Captain Thunder manages to escape and capture Stratos, but because his identity is now common knowledge, the Captain decides to become a hero full-time, relocating with his family to Freedom City. Soon after, his son Ray Jr.’s electrical powers emerge and he enrolls in Claremont Academy using as Bolt.

  • 2003

    Providence Asylum announces a controversial program to treat mentally ill super-criminals.

  • 2003

    The Green Man takes control of Dr. Metropolis and uses his power to turn the city into a primeval rainforest. Freed by other heroes, Dr. Metropolis reclaims his power and imprisons the villain deep within the Earth.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2003

    Project Ironmonger
    Life, Milestone

    Jack Simmons, having been diagnosed with inoperable cancer, volunteers for AEGIS’ Project Ironmonger. His memories are downloaded into an android body, which is given the identity of deceased agent, Faraday Irons.

  • 2003

    Life, Milestone

    The immortal hunter, awakens from one of his prolonged states of hibernation, decides humanity has reached a point of social and technological evolution that he finds acceptable. Fascinated by superhumans, but convinced they are a threat to his right to rule humanity, he takes on the identity of Mastermind.

  • 2004

    Bowman graduates from the Claremont Academy and formally joins the Freedom League.
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 2004

    Star Knight II
    Life, Identity

    In California, Officer Maria Montoya uncovers widespread corruption in her department, leading to the discovery of infiltration by the alien Grue. Forced to go on the run, she is aided by Pseudo, who has returned to Earth to warn the planet of a Grue invasion. She also attracts the notice of Mentor, the computer commander of the Star Knights, who appoints her the new Knight of Earth’s sector of space.

  • 2004

    The Grue Invasion
    Disaster / Destruction

    The betrayal of Darr’Kann, along with Pseudo helping other captured heroes to escape, provides the distraction necessary for the Atoms to damage the Grue mothership. The Freedom League and its allies and reserve members, warned of the invasion, manage to hold off the main fleet while Chase Atom, with the assistance of the Moonstone and Earth’s greatest psychics and mystics, defeats the Meta-Mind in psychic combat. The telepathic shock disables the Grue, sending them fleeing back into deep space, while the Meta-Grue is exiled and stranded on Earth. The new Star Knight officially joins the Freedom League.

  • 2004

    Blackstar escapes from his imprisonment, flees to Earth, and rejoins the Crime League.
    Life, Milestone

  • 2004

    The Meta-Grue
    Life, Milestone

    The Grue kidnap and replace the Atom Family with Grue duplicates and imprint Darr’Kann, a specially bred and modified warrior, with the powers of all of the Atoms, intending him to be the first of a new generation of super-Grue. However, psychic interaction with the Atoms, enhanced by the telepathic abilities of Chase Atom, breaks Darr’Kann’s connection with the Meta-Mind. Filled with fear for his life and personal ambition, the so-called Meta-Grue turns against his master.

  • 2005

    The Lighthouse
    Construction beginning/end

    The Freedom League builds a satellite headquarters called “The Lighthouse” and expands its ranks to act as guardians of the planet instead of just Freedom City and the United States. Freedom Hall becomes their local outpost in Freedom City.

  • 2005

    Discovery, Scientific

    SHADOW develops LV-13, a biological agent intended to suppress the will of those infected. It mutates into a sentient, telepathic network and escapes the secret lab, spreading across the world before Daedalus, Dr. Atom, and Mastermind are able to cooperate to create a vaccine. Although all samples of LV-13 are destroyed, SHADOW retains the gene-map and Overshadow plots to turn the discovery into an advantage.

  • 2007

    Stewart Bonham is appointed as Chief Administrator of AEGIS’ Freedom City Operations Center.
    Life, Career

  • 2007

    Chase Atom and Bolt (Ray Gardener, Jr.) graduate from high school.
    Life, Education

  • 2007

    The AlterniTeens
    Life, Relocation

    The AlterniTeens, a group of young heroes from alternate dimensions brought together by Navigatrix(npc), arrive at the Claremont Academy in search of sanctuary after a difficult battle. They are the brother and sister team of Dauntless and Relentless; Changeling; Elite; Magni Thorson; and Whoop-Ant, a happy-go-lucky size-changing mutant. Duncan Summers grants the group asylum, allowing them to join the Academy as students. The mad god Black Anubis follows the AlterniTeens to Earth-Prime.

  • 2008

    Seven begins an apprenticeship with Adrian Eldritch.
    Life, Milestone

  • 2008

    Mayor Grant
    Life, Career

    Michael O’Connor, Jr. retires as one of the most beloved mayors of Freedom City to campaign for office in Washington DC. Local business mogul Jonathan Grant enters the mayoral race and wins, promising to “keep moving Freedom forward.”

  • 2008

    Johnni Rocket
    Life, Birth

    Dr. Simian uses a sample of Johnny Rocket’s DNA to grow a female clone—which he mockingly names “Jonni Rocket”—intending to use her against his foe. Johnny Rocket learns of Dr. Simian’s plot and rescues the child before the villain can corrupt her. Given their connection and her potential super-powers, he decides to adopt Jonni and raise her.

  • 2009

    Doc Otaku takes advantage of his 18th birthday to make a clean break from his juvenile delinquency and creates Takashi Technologies, a tech firm specializing in robotics that is a multi-billion dollar business within two years.
    Life, Career

  • 2009

    Dr. Atom manages to cure Adam Ward (AKA Gamma, the “Atom Smasher”) of his radioactive powers. Ward undergoes court-ordered therapy and rehabilitation.
    Life, Milestone

  • 2010

    After aiding in capping the disastrous Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Siren chooses to move to reserve status with the Freedom League to operate full time in New Orleans, the Gulf region, and the Caribbean.
    Life, Career

  • 2010

    Life, Relocation

    During a freak lightning storm, a teen girl appears in Freedom City. Calling herself “Centuria,” she claims to be the daughter of the Centurion from an alternate Earth, sent across the dimensional boundary because their world was being invaded by the Terminus. Tests prove she is telling the truth, but it is too late to save her home Earth. Centuria enrolls in Claremont Academy.

  • 2010

    Thunderbolt (Captain Thunder’s son, formerly named Bolt) drops out of Freedom City University.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 2011

    Nereid & Magni
    Life, Relationship change

    Nereid and Magni are forced to break off their romantic relationship when it becomes clear she cannot leave Earth—and her responsibilities to Atlantis—nor can he remain.

  • 2011

    Whoop-Ant graduates from the Claremont Academy with honors.
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 2012

    Marriage equality becomes law in Freedom City. Johnny Rocket marries his boyfriend, paramedic Chris Penny, in a highly publicized, but private, ceremony.
    Life, Relationship change

  • 2012

    Seven joins the Freedom League.
    Life, Organisation Association