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The Four Realms

8821 NW

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A world split, divided into nations of magic. There are those who draw power from the Old Gods through crystals and flowers, given the power of a god each. There are people who use stranger magic, drawn from from metal rods capable of imbuing objects with the ancient magic of the Earth, slowly draining it. There are those who glamour the land, using the sacred power of the sun to call down magic and hide behind, an art of thievery much like the power from the Earth. Last there are those descent from the Great Angels themselves, living decedents of the Old Gods who use their motions and actions to cast great spells. This world is filled with magic, though the art of studying magic has long sense been lost.

The first land, a continent home to the old sources. The land, full of magical power, where all magic comes from the Old Gods directly, diverted through each of the crystals of their power: Air, Storm, Earth, Nature, Water, Winter, Fire, Summer, Light, Dream, Dark, Death, and Moon. These 13 ancient Gods brought their power to the land, forming flowers that gave the mortal species access to their magic and though to be the very first form of magic, capable of many things, though only limited by the study of magic and the flowers they hold. Mages will often be found with more than one power, though combining them results in forms of magic that the old gods were individually incapable of producing.

A second land, born from the power of the Earth exists. Using rods made from the magical metals inside the Earth, technology grows. No need for burning coal or stealing sunlight when marking a small rune can power a light for as long as the magic lasts. This land is home to technology, the weaker magic of the land capable of advancing technology faster than ever before. This continent is home to technology and magic mixing together.

Glamours are a powerful magic, claiming home to the third continent. Mages capable of glamours, sticking and hiding people away. Other Mages, of more powerful heritage, live at the Sun Temples on the peaks of mountains. Here they are capable of, not only hiding things away under layers of glamour, but they are also capable of forming new materials from these glamours, though often at a dangerous cost. The land is advancing, though still decades behind the land of Earth.

The final land, a land of those who are born from the old gods themselves, all are capable of magic. Little had movements that can summon storms or burn building. But here, magic is usually restricted to the army, as there is no need for everyone to train heavily, though everyone can cast simple spells. This land is one of the old ways, not diverting from their ancient practices.

Each land, born of different powers, is capable of feats a plenty, but war is brewing. Armies are forming, weapons are being made and treaties are being declined. But there may be hope still, for there are those who wish to learn magic for the art of it rather than for the destructive capabilities that humans are drawn to. With luck, skill, and understanding, the war may end before it destroys everything. For now, though, war has already begun.

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