Gyblo Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Gyblo (a.k.a. Gyblo)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gyblo is small and thin, even by goblin standards. His waxy, pale green skin bears many marks and scars from his time as a subject of draconic experiments and tortures. Most striking are his mane of greasy blackish hair and his eyes, a vibrant purple with squared pupils.

Body Features

Gyblo's skin is waxy and has a pale tone similar to waterlogged flesh. Under his arms is a membrane of skin similar to a bat's, but with no function. His greasy mass of hair is often pulled back into a thick braid that ends in a decorative coral loop just below his knees.

Facial Features

Gyblo has a large hooked nose, long pointed ears that struggle to hold their shape, and wide purple eyes. His features are broad, but slightly gaunt and his face is criss-crossed by scars. His smile is genuine, but practiced and its effect is offset by a great many gnarled and pointy teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Large, vibrant purple eyes with squared pupils like an octopus.

Physical quirks

Gyblo is right handed. He stands proudly and with good posture, but walks with a slight limp favoring his left leg.

Special abilities

Gyblo has the ability to communicate telepathically with those he can see thanks to his patron. This has a number of useful application, but Gyblo's favorite is to use it in aiding his manipulations and by planting ideas into people's heads.

Apparel & Accessories

Cleaned up, Gyblo wears a reasonably well tailored double breasted jacket, dress shirt, and slacks in shades of purple, mauve, and red. His clothes are well taken care of, but do show a level of aging.   While adventuring he appears more savage, puffing himself up in layers of rough leather, animal skins, and letting his impressive mass of hair free. Anything to make himself appear more intimidating in order to avoid as many fights as possible.

Specialized Equipment

Gyblo carries a mummified tentacle the size of a small wand that he uses as a spell focus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gyblo was never strong, even for a goblin. He lived his childhood in the lowest castes of the tribe and found his survival in complacency. He made himself as useful as possible to whomever was currently in control and that made sure that he was treated as well as could be expected. When a band of adventurers rampaged through his tribe in retaliation for some slight that Gyblo never learned of, he offered his services to them as well.   For a while he followed the group doing their chores and caring for the horses until the day when the adventurers were asked to take on a particularly dangerous task. Out of concern they left Gyblo with the captain of a fishing vessel in Phlan and that was the last he saw of them.   Gyblo grew to adulthood on the fishing boat. The captain wore a kind mask in front of most people, but Gyblo got to see his true face and learn of the hidden agendas and goals achieved by the captain's facade. Gyblo admired this in the captain and civilized himself emulating the captain's actions, never forgetting that such civility could be leveraged as a tool far better than brute force. For the first time in his life, Gyblo was content. This ended when Phlan was attacked by the Maimed Virulence and the young goblin was amongst the many captured.   For months Gyblo endured tortures both mundane and magical in nature. The experiments scarred him physically and altered his body, wing like membranes growing under his arms. During this time, the only kindness he received came from a small human girl and he became fiercely protective of her in turn. Many times he took her place on what functioned as the dragon's lab table. The pain and fear drove him to sneak into the dragon's treasure horde, desperate for a way out for himself and the girl. There he found a book bound in slimy skin that shifted color and texture as if still alive. The symbols he found inside were unreadable, and made his head throb as he looked upon them. A voice, drilled deep into his mind, spoke and Gyblo knew somehow that it was reciting the words before him. When Gyblo came to, he was far from Phlan and holding a strange, multicolored disk and a sense of guilt and sorrow that the young human girl was not with him.   Once safe within a large city, Gyblo found himself able to touch the minds of others and able to deftly manipulate those around him. Gyblo remembered the lessons learned from his captain though. Gyblo was a civilized goblin and there was no need to steal or burgle when the people around him were likely to find their more generous natures when he was around. Gyblo's life is once more comfortable, but at night he feels the pull of the disk and something dark and ancient writhing in his mind as he slumbers, driving him to something.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Escaped his tribe's tyranny by befriending a group of adventurer. Became first mate on a fishing boat. Made a pact with something slimy. Escaped a mad, torturous dragon. Earned a place as a respected individual in the city he now lives.

Failures & Embarrassments

Grew up as the abused runt in a particularly nasty nomadic tribe of goblins. Captured, maimed, experimented on, and tortured by an insane dragon and his cult. Failed to rescue the human girl he'd befriended before making his escape. Being forced to resort to stealing to survive until he figured out his pact abilities.

Mental Trauma

Gyblo's nerves are deadened by his torture, but the threat of torture scares him. He also has a near phobia of dragons and hates being confined in small places. The abuse he suffered from his tribe makes him find violence distasteful and sneaking around and stealing disgusting.   The only time he's felt safe is when he's been part of a tight knit group. Making friends is difficult, but he forms deep bonds with those who put up with him long enough to become close.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gyblo is a manipulative shit to most people, using his pact abilities and practiced charisma to get what he wants (which in typical goblin fashion is pretty much anything shiny or power granting). He is quick witted and fairly intelligent.

Morality & Philosophy

Power makes you safe, and power comes from who you surround yourself with. Strong and trustworthy allies are rare and to be cherished and protected so that they will return the favor.   The world belongs to me an mine, as long as I have the power and will to take it.


Theft and physical torture.

Personality Characteristics


Desires to accumulate enough power and resources to never feel threatened again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good people skills and business savvy. Unnerving countenance. Horrible at games, both skilled and chance.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes fine foods and drinks. Appears well read, but prefers trashy fiction and low theater. Dislikes other goblins, fish (eaten too much of it), and most music.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal and good to those who have earned the privilege. Quick witted and patient. Likes children and the small races that remind him of them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Manipulative and selfish by nature. Terrified of capture and torture. Uneasy in confined spaces. Finds theft and sneakiness in general to be horribly uncouth tactics. Cruel dislike of other goblins.


Gyblo keeps a high standard of hygiene as a way to further separate himself from other goblins.
Purple with Square Pupils, Large
Long, Very Thick, Greasy, Greenish Black
1.1 Meter
16.75 kg
Known Languages
Common, Goblin, and Draconic

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Character Portrait image: Gyblo by Josh


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