Introduction in The Flying Flux | World Anvil


Hello and welcome to the Flying Flux!

Before continuing any further into this chaotic world, I thought it would be polite to offer a brief explanation of how this world functions. I'm specifically referring to the Natural-ish Laws, which have essentially replaced the traditional "common sense" fantasy worlds you're probably accustomed to. It seems only fair to offer my general thought process and the reasons why they were created, so here:

  • The first point: The first and primary rule behind Flux's reality is the Law of Perception. This is referenced constantly throughout these articles because it is the foundation on which everything else is based, so understanding it would help significantly.
  • Okay, going off the last one, the Law of Perception is a passive natural law that transforms the host's reality to fit his/her/its own perspective. So, basically, if I were to genuinely believe that I could fly, then I would attain the power of flight simply because of that belief (or perspective). However, if I thought that a rock was purple, the rock would not turn purple. I might see a purple rock, but no one else would. I did this because my initial intention was to create a world where simply believing in something could actually make a difference... which I know sounds depressing but not really if you think about it.
  • Again, playing off my first point, why would I do this? Well, because I was curious. Isn't it intriguing? A world where your beliefs have a measurable effect on you. If this is true, can good/bad be determined with an equation? How would a sense of value/morals change day-to-day life? What about religions? I live for these questions, so I made a world about them.

  • That's a mind-numbing list already isn't it? Don't worry, the others are a bit shorter...

  • The second point: Of course, what would fuel such an impossible world? The most obvious choice is magic, but I really needed it to fit the overall theme of Flux. The Law of Magic. A universe (in my reality) is not merely a machine that breaks whenever a stupid little paradox or contradiction occurs, but an actual living entity that is able to correct such errors. Magic is an executive force which is allocated by the universe to correct paradoxes. This energy is capable of changing reality to accommodate or destroy the paradox (sometimes just barely) so all may continue to function properly. Magic maintains this equilibrium and fuels the effects brought on by the Law of Perception.

  • Good, now process... not too long, though, still a little bit more:

  • The third point: Chaos is the reality that follows a magical event. This sounds a bit confusing, but it's really not. Like I said in the previous point, magic is capable of "changing reality to accommodate or destroy [a] paradox"; well, the constant reality after that change is called "Chaos". So, essentially, whenever something magical isn't occurring on an object/being, it is in a state of "Chaos". It's that simple.

  • Cool, right? No? Yes? It's not bad once you figure it out. The names are usually pretty self-explanatory.
  • The fourth point: Well, one might ask "What about objects that don't have a perception?". Yes, the Flying Flux should not technically be able to exist (if for no other reason than its ridiculous shape), so I created a set of passive rules that take affect on objects that aren't sentient. This includes rocks, plants, and even unconscious creatures. Together, these laws are called the Law of Constancy.

  • Take a quick breath... you're almost there, don't worry. I believe in you!

  • The fifth point: I'm not going to lie, Flux is a world that parodies our own in very obvious ways, but I will not ever name specific people/organizations/events. My intention is not to publicly disparage things I don't like but change the context in which they might be seen. Even the notorious Beleford Beguile could be considered a "good" person who merely lacks the intelligence/understanding required to wield his power; Tom Fowlri could be plausibly excused because he understood everything too well... if you could easily manipulate the world to do anything, is it fair to judge you by the same standards as someone who did terrible things without this certainty? If so, where does this line stop? Linn Ennim has killed and isolated her kingdom from the outside world, but she is undoubtedly a "good" person at heart. So, do prior intentions justify an action? I don't know, but it might be fun to indulge such insane questions, don't you think?

I hope this is useful going forward, but the ultimate goal of this world is to just have fun. I sincerely hope you enjoy the Flying Flux and all its insanity as much as I do. Feel free to leave questions/comments/suggestions. Here are some quick links to Flux's primary categories: Click here to see what's going on with the races or here to check out the world itself..



Some of my favorites:

Linn Ennim
Character | Nov 7, 2019

The Mournful Queen of Lippit who bears a terrifying intellect.

Condition | Oct 7, 2019

Some things just break themselves.

Law of Perception
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Nov 24, 2019

Paradoxes littered without guile may bend to Perception...

Organization | Oct 31, 2019

Home to the Mournful Queen and protected by an impenetrable dome--the first of its kind.

Iron Away
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 15, 2019
I laughed so hard while creating Iron Away... they hate iron so much, a tradition was made where Fluxers throw it at the sun. Also, the pun "I run away" in its title.


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