The falling city treaty Document in The falling city | World Anvil
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The falling city treaty

One city with a whole world of people and differing ideals. Making the falling city work was never going to be an easy challenge. When the city was first founded, different nations were struggling against each other trying to gain control, or at least a favorable position with the ones who did. There was a lot of conflict in those early days, not helped by the rapid expansion of the city as more and more people fled from the collapsing edges towards it, settling down in the last known safe place. Realizing that this was unsustainable, a few nations quickly agreed to settle everything diplomatically, and through some convincing representatives from all the different nations residing in or soon to be arriving at the falling city sat down for one of the most important meetings in the history of the world. There was much arguing, many conflicts arising and being resolved, and eventually, an agreement was getting close to coming to light. A council of representatives, chosen at each nation's discretion, holding the cities best first, the nation's best second. After working out details, a treaty was eventually formed. Each nation joining the falling city had to sign it, or take up residence somewhere else. Some chose the latter, but as the edge grew closer and closer the terms of the treaty started sounding more and more reasonable. With time, everyone signed, forming the council as it is known today and starting to place focus on the people rather than their origins. As the city's grown, and then shrunk as the edge closes in, this single treaty has been the document keeping the city from turning on itself. While it has been added to and modified during the years, a copy of the original treaty is stored within the council building at the heart of the city. Showing how desperate times can bring people together, until the final piece falls.

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