Ornella Character in The Fabulae Anthology | World Anvil
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Crone Child

Written by Endrise

Ornella (a.k.a. Crone Child)

Oh you're finally here! And here I thought I'd be lost in the articles!
— Ornella

Ornella is an entity spoken of in the buried thoughts of Fabulae, known by many as the crone child of the Ashen World. A young deity lost in a cult-like worship, who appears to know things that nobody else knows about the world.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ornella's main goal is to be have a better understanding of the Cosmic Hourglass's creation. According to herself, she's seeking to make a new world of her own, using Fasma's universe as inspiration. Hence why she seems so happy to ask questions or appears all over the places inspecting things that might seem mundane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ornella is a contradiction when it comes to how she looks. A blond haired girl with a look of a 10-year old, yet the wrinkled face of an eldery woman. Head and body covered in ash-grey cloak, yet beneath it a fancy blue and purple dress.

The eye colour also constantly shifts, coming in all colours of the rainbow. The thing that stands out is her headpiece, which carries three candles with grey flames each.

Special abilities

Unphased by the concepts of time and space, Ornella has an almost omnipotent nature to her being. The material plane does not affect her, making her practically immune to anything she comes in touch with. From magic to even reality-warping effects, nothing can influence her.

In a same vain, her presence warps existence around her, making any area she's in twist and turn. Even her looks end up difficult to pinpoint, which might be why she seems both young and old at the same time, or why some people are scared of her despite her friendly nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The history of Ornella is poorly kept, with people being aware of her for millennia. Many refer to her as the Crone Child or other titles given in her myths and legends. Everywhere from dense cities to the farmsteads does she show up, without much of a pattern. Always appearing to ask people about their past, their adventures, or the knowledge they gathered.

In return, she always offers advice or lore of her own, often to the benefit of the one she talks to. Sometimes Ornella even shows up when people get lost, guiding them to safety. But as quick as she might show up, she often leaves without a trace as quickly.

It led to her becoming famous in folklore, alongside a small following trying to track her down. As far as people understand, she might be doing all this to make a world of her own. One like the Cosmic Hourglass, but in her own image. What exactly she has in mind she does not tell, considering her world "unfinished" as of now.

As of now, she only refers to it the Ashen World.

Gender Identity




Ornella behaves like any child, noticable with how hyper-active she can be talking with others. While she still likes to show her manners, she's also prone to rapid-fire questions or inspect things before even asking. Boundless curiosity is the best way to put it.

Still, she is also a very friendly individual, showing a very caring and understanding side as well. While first meetings always starts chaotic, she does pull herself together to try and behave... Even if her reality bending presence can make it hard from time to time.


Oh right, the war between Caes and the Elves! That was quite a mess to look at, especially the aftermath... Ma was not too happy either.
— Ornella

Ornella's speech is filled with the energetic tone of a child, optimistic as one can get. A common part of her usage of words is nicknaming things, often simplyfying complex terms in the progress. Only sometimes does she use more complicated terms when she can't think of a nickname.


Areas of Concern
Hidden Lore, Dreams, Adventurers
Divine Symbol
A crown with three candles
Knowledge, Ruins, Trickery
Favoured Weapon

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Candle Girl
Crone Child
Queen of the Ashen World
Young Celestial
Honeycomb Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: Character Cover by Endrise
Character Portrait image: Ornella by Endrise


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Oct 31, 2021 11:16

I love seeing a child-like deity! I wonder how her followers behave towards her, and how she's worshipped, when she isn't necessarily old and powerful like more usual gods.

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!