Gemma Character in The Fabulae Anthology | World Anvil
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Pillar of Krestfall

Written by Endrise

I hope that in a next life she may experience more freedom than in this one.
— Gemma's father

Gemma was an Oread who saved the town of Krestfall from sinking away. Through her own death, she became the pillars that support the town, immortalised as its saviour.

Pillar of Krestfall

Physical Description

A Dwarven woman cursed with an Oread heritage. Grey gravelly skin with short red hair, a softer figure than others of her kind. What set her apart was her condition.

By the time of her death, she lost both her eye and right arm to Crystal Man Disease. Large amounts of white crystals coated her skin, some as thick as her thumbs.


Life & Death

Born in Krestfall, Gemma grew up the child of a local blacksmith, with her genetic gift as an Oread welcomed by her father. Though that proved to become less of a gift once the first symptoms of Crystal Man Disease showed up.

Breaking her arm at a young age locked up her elbow, developing further upwards over time. Crystals grew from her bone and enveloped her entire arm by the age of 15. The hinderance made it difficult for her to help around the forge, leaving her only capable of certain chores.

The stinging pains and stiffness took their toll on her mental state, leading to sleepless nights. This combination of issues left Gemma feeling useless, even with the support of her family.

When her right eye was failing her as well, she became desperate to find a remedy. Talking to merchants, seeking cures or anything to soothe the pain. She became more seclusive, hating her appearance and ending up in a deep depression.

Gemma saw herself becoming a burden to her family and fled town one night, leaving for the abandoned silver mines. She hid inside an exposed cave deep within to die there peacefully. The exact circumstances of her death remain a mystery, however.


Her condition somehow became much more aggressive, causing the crystals to grow out across the cavern walls. Many got so massive and durable, they held back the town from sinking into the ground. Although nobody knew it was she who caused this until years later.

When people discovered her remains inside the caves, they held a proper burial for her unwilling sacrifice. They dubbed her resting place the Caverns of Gemma, erecting a small monument at the mine’s entrance to commemorate her.

The first sightings of the crystals’s healing properties came to light not long after. People discovered anyone close to the caverns had their wounds cured, leading to her resting ground becoming a place of healing. However, the visits ended when long-term exposure led to cancerous growths. Ever since, the caverns remain locked away from the townsfolk of Krestfall.

1027 AFE 1053 AFE 26 years old
Place of Death

Cover image: Character Cover by Endrise


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Apr 30, 2023 23:15

Interesting condition that led to saving the town, giving it a bit of fame and a valued resource.