Dragon Species in The Fabulae Anthology | World Anvil
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Legendary Beasts

Written by Endrise

A Dragon is not just a winged reptile that spews fire. It does not come in one mere size. A Dragon is something that thinks it can rival a god, that it can be worshipped and praised by mortals like one. Sit on their riches, burn down their villages, and never worry about being struck down from the heavens as they are untouchable.   Being a Dragon is to rule without challenge, to live without fear. And those that dare oppose them to be struck down by the fury of a thousand storms.
— Thanar

Amongst the many monstrous races that roam the land of Fabulae, no creature competes with the might of the Dragon. Being present ever since Prehistoria, these ancient beasts have lived amongst and above other races.

Although their presence has dwindled ever since their inception, their myths and legends still prevail. And from such tales, Kobold cults and Dragon slayers alike help prevail the might.

Anatomy & Biology


Dragon anatomy varies from the numerous subspecies that exist, although some traits are shared amongst all of their kind. Many share reptilian features such as scales and cold-blooded bodies, usually winged as well. Beyond that, their appearance can differ greatly.

Biological Traits

Breath Weapon

Most, if not all Dragons, are capable of using a so-called Breath Weapon. Created from a bladder found in their chest, it allows them to fire elemental essence from their mouth.

Dependent on the type of Dragon, the element and range can vary quite a lot, whether it be a straight line or a cone of destructive power. Some of the more noticeable elements are as such:

  • Fire: Everything from burning gasses expelled from their mouth to napalm-like spit.
  • Ice: Whether it be freezing breaths or blizzards alike.
  • Water: Both high-pressure blasts to skin-melting blasts of hot water.
  • Acidic: Regurgitated stomach acids, melting through anything organic in mere seconds.
  • Electricity: High voltage blasts of direct lightning that fries anyone inside out.

There are some less common variants of a Breath Weapon as well, such as sonic blasts or raw negative energy. Although not as many Dragons commnonly possess such abilities.

Arcane Potential

It's not uncommon for Dragons to develop arcane potential as they age. While young adults are capable of only a few spells, ancient ones can conjure up reality-warping magic. The most powerful abilities one ever possessed were the ability to apparently move the stars and the moon.

Genetics & Reproduction

The reproduction cycle of Dragons is a slow and often tedious one, as most only mate once every 50 years. During said period, their kind seeks out a fellow mate to commence in a mating ritual that can last anywhere from weeks to months on end.

To attract their mates, Dragons collect hoards to act as a method of attraction. This can range from bones to gems to even things like artefacts or servants. More often than not, they also make their nests out of said hoards, leading to some rather unique designs.

Mating itself is also special occasions, as it can range from wrapping around each other to fighting for dominance. Some legends even say that earthquakes happen and volcanoes erupt because of it.

Either way, from said mating anywhere from one to ten eggs are produced. Most take several years to hatch, leading to mother Dragons turning quite territorial as a result.


Hey, it's not weird when they're Human okay? I want to bang the sexy hunk of a man, not the 50-feet tall scaly beast.
— Mother of a Draconic Sorcerer

Dragons are one of the few species that can breed with other species despite not sharing the same reproductive systems. Thanks to some polymorph spells, some dawn human disguises to go down and mate with another race, resulting in a crossbreed.

However, due to the magical nature of the impregnation, the children conceived do show particular abilities. From breathing fire to developing scales to even transforming into a full-on Dragon in some circumstances. Many of royal blood even claim themselves to be descendants of Dragons.

Dietary Needs & Habits

Most Dragons are omnivorous, although their diets change depending on the environment. A sea dwelling one would feed itself off sea life, while those that live near urban areas might develop a taste for mortal cuisines. Although most of them do enjoy eating meat more often than not.

Dragons Across the Multiverse

Material Plane


Western Dragons are what most people consider to be the classical beasts of legend. Many are depicted as serpentine in nature, with muscular figures covered in scales as thick as shields. Subspecies include the 2-legged Wyverns and the wingless Drakes.

Throughout Origionne, their stories have included everything from Dragon slayers to Dragon riders. Some Sorcerers got their blood from Draconic parents, while other artefacts are said to be forged from their hide or bones.


In the Northern regions, many Dragons have evolved to less fly rather than swim in the icy waters. Notoriously large, these aquatic Dragons often have large amounts of blubber to keep themselves warm. But despite their slower-looking appearance, many are a threat to both land- and sealife.

As such, many sailors find themselves telling tales of the seabound monsters, of giant Dragon turtles and serpents that roam the sea. Some myths even make them responsible for causing things like waves or storms.


Eastern Dragons are the most well-known for their association with magic, relying on it to even fly most of the time. With slender serpetine bodies and bearded faces, many describe them as the wisest of Dragons. Some of of the oldest are even believed to control things like the sun and the moon, the stars and the weather.

Many seek said wisdom as a result, traversing dangerous terrain to just see their might high up in the mountains. Many even claim to get their sorcery from them, either through birthright or studying alongside one. Some cultures even see them as protectors of the land, beings whose powers rival that of gods.


In the hotter areas of the south, Dragons take on a smaller and more avian-like appearance. Covered in feathers and having talons for claws, they make up for their diminutive size with greater mobility and speeds. Combined with their pack hunting tactics and they're some of the more cunning hunters found amongst the Dragon family.

Many of their kind are seen as exotic trophies, both alive and dead. Whether it be their feathers to make elaborate accessories or even as a priced mount or pet. As a result, their numbers have dwindled a lot throughout the centuries, making them some of the rarer Dragons.

Outsider Planes


A few Demons have dragged some Draconic monsters into the Infernal Realm, resulting in a crossbreed between Fiend and Dragon. Eldritch in nature, their appearance is warped by chaotic energy, barely resembling their former self. From jaws unhinging down to their chest to limbs and tendrils sprawling out of every corner of their body.


Some Angels have also taken Dragons into the Angelic Realm, using them as the basis of their own version. Stripped of any free thought, thy has been reduced to a biomechanical weapon for the armies of heaven itself. Especially their breath weapon, which is now capable of petrification.


Dragons that are born and raised on one of the elemental pillars are referred to as Primal Dragons. Adapted to the weirder climates of each plane, their bodies manifest traits of their homes. Whether that be crystal scales for the Plane of Earth or spitting scorching magma for the Plane of Fire.

Even amongst natives, they're worth their weight in gold, being living generators of raw elemental energy. As such, their eggs are valuable on the black market, used to raise them from birth to help generate power for settlements. However, they're a rare sight, with few being spotted in the wild.


In very rare occurrences, some Dragons end up lost in the Void, leading to them being twisted by it like many others. Their scales turn dull, Breath weapon numbing, becoming an embodiment of its nothingness. Although few exist, the tales spun about their infamy have only aided in the dread their presence causes.

History & Culture



Dragons have a history that goes as far back as Prehistoria, of the time of Titans. Few people know about their origins, with theories rising from where they come from. Some call them the living children of a dead Titan, others as ancient beasts that survived the tooth of time.   In many faiths their existence ties towards either keepers of the natural order or chaosbringers. Ranging from mentors and gods protecting mortals, to vile beasts that only bring carnage and destruction wherever their flight brings them. Titles such as Dragonslayers and Dragonriders appear across numerous cultures, showing the widespread infamy of the Draconic title.

The Decline of Dragonkind

Myths & Legends

Interspecies Relations

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Genus Draco
200 - 1.000 years
Average Height
6'0" - 60'0"
2m - 20m
Average Weight
50 kg - 15 tons
Related Materials

Articles under Dragon

Cover image: Species Cover by Endrise


Author's Notes

This article was made for the WorldEmber 2020 Event.

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Dec 26, 2020 19:13

The opening quote is so much fun!

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.
Dec 27, 2020 21:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Both quotes are amazing, though for different reasons. XD I love all the detail in this article! :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet