Genasi Ethnicity in The Etherium | World Anvil


Embodiments of the core elemental forces of the Spheres, Genasi are living manifestations of the natural forces. Their home world is especially unique among the Spheres of the Etherium, as unlike most which have only one Node in their immediate vicinity, Elemexar has four. Each of Elemexar's Nodes(IG - HY - ZE & TA) is smaller than average, all possessing a distinct elemental energy. While Earth, Air, Fire & Water are the most prominent of the outwardly displaying traits, Genasi can also be found in Sand, Storm, Ash & Sleet variants. Genasi, like Elves, have a myriad of micro cultures each of which display their own separate idiosyncrasies. Their innate connection to whatever element(s) of nature they are born with, as well as a proclivity for the Druidic and Arcane Arts, lends Genasi an easy cohabitation with the other races of the Fayen Collective. Eladrin especially get along well with Genasi due to their potential similarities depending on whatever season they are currently displaying.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Soot, Gleam, Thermo, Lakelet, Rush, Brine, Brick, Lodge, Bedrock, Murmur, Whirlwind, Twister, Cremate, Flame, Ablaze, Mist, Dabble, Monsoon, Amethyst, Alabaster, Bedrock, Sigh, Azure, Surge

Family names

Thunderclast, Forgefirst, Edyswift, Nodestone, Pooldeep, Ashmount, Zephyrflow, Sparkstart, Ironheap, Smeltwind, Thawthick, Driftcloud, Riverblow


Beauty Ideals

Overcoming and Redefinition. Being more than your nature would have you be. Don't just go with the flow, blaze a new trail. People being as unique a version of themselves as possible will soon find Genasi admirers.

Relationship Ideals

Genasi seek out a long term mate who compliments their own natures, finding balance in extremes.

Major organizations

The Fayen Collective
Related Organizations


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