Ancient Fae Language in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Ancient Fae

The ancient language of the fairfolk.   The language is mostly forgotten with the exception of some. The Fairfolk Pantheon's sacred texts are all written in ancient faye, so most of the tales and teachings have been lost or forgotten without translations.   Some fairfolk still speak the language. The Gentry Sidhe's royal family passes down a form of ancient faye throughout the generations, though it is thought to vary from its ancestral form.   Some texts do still exist using the language of the Ancient Faye. The tales of their Pantheon were saved during the destruction of Alil and have been translated to Enthish so all the fairfolk can know of their gods.   The Tumbling Window has spells written in ancient faye surronding it, keeping any from passing through the water. This is believed to be a ward used by the ancient faye to prevent humans from entering the fairy realm.   Some of the members of the The Consortium of Truth and The Magic Guilds of Enther have studied the language and have been able to translate some artifacts found throughout the Kingdom of Enther. This has caused problems with the fairfolk who believe these artifacts if discovered should be rightfully returned to the fairfolk.

Writing System

Pronunciation/Spelling aɪ̯ / ie aʊ̯ / ou eɪ̯ / ay iː  / i uː  / u æ  / a ɛ  / e ɔɪ̯ / oi ɔː / aw ɪ / ǐ ʊ / ǔ ɑ / ǎ ɶ / ǒ ʌ / û ɜː / â j / y θ / th ð / dh ŋ / ng ɠ / g’ ɹ / r ʃ / sh ʒ / zh ʤ / j ʧ / ch ʛ / ĝ Vː / VV


2731 Words.
Common Phrases
"Zawp vâ shu ĝa d ĝieg" - May the Gods punish you all "shût!" - Bitch! "Kuazidh" - Flatear, an derogatory word for humans, still used to this day.

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