Floompth Species in The Enigma Realms | World Anvil
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The floompth is an elemental creature, which is from the above grounds. They're fur is often used for expensive coats but, due to their powers, are often used in making things to make common jobs easier.
by Flame_Panda33

Basic Information


The floompth is a ball of fluff that is often likened to the top of cotton. The colour and exact shape of the floompth is dependent on the variety.They are often adored due to their big eyes which make them seem cuter than their personalities.

Ecology and Habitats

They're natural habitat depends on their element: the water type likes colder areas and is naturally found high up in the mountains; the fire type prefers hotter environments and is found in the expansive desert; the Earth type likes to be underground and is the only floompth that can naturally be found by the humans, the air type likes to be above ground and thus is the hardest for the humans to farm.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The floompth are herbivores eating a varity of vegetation from leaves to carrots. They are the only known species to be able to be stung by a Vision Nettle, their favourite food, without feeling the effects, or they are constantly under the effect so feel nothing.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The floompth's silky fur is often used to line the insides of more expensive coats. Despite the feal, they often have practical uses aswell. A water type's fur is a great filter for the water from the reservoir. A fire type's fur can be used to keep thing's warm. An earth type's fur is a better drill bit than diamonds and is often used by miners to put on their pickaxes. An air types has healing properties so is often used in medical supplies.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The floompth like to keep themselves well preened and would often enjoy it when the farmer would smooth down their coat. They often preen other members in their pack as a sign of friendship.

Courtship Ideals

When two floompth's like eachother very much, they would often be found preening eachother more than normal. This is often followed by rolling around together as an excuse to preen eachother more.
10 years
Conservation Status
Species is rare, but due to the dangers involved to retrieve new ones, people consider them to be endangered. The species is revered and it is illegal to farm them without permission from the Emperor's Court.
Average Height
1 ft.
Average Weight
1.5 kg
Average Length
1 ft.

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Dec 1, 2021 15:28

You're right, they do look and sound pretty cute :D

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