Forge Guardians Organization in The End of the World | World Anvil

Forge Guardians

Written by Ademal.

As much as I'd like to say that Worldbuilding brings us all together, fights still happen.
The Forge Guardians are the protectors and peacekeepers of The Forge Realm. Their task is a difficult one, for they must make judgement calls and do acts that would break the will of other folk. To a lesser degree, they also hold the realm against attacks from the rare invaders who attack from The Outlying Realms.   Were it not for a well-stocked armory, a better stocked bar, and good company, the Forge Guardians' role would be an impossible one which would lend itself to tyranny. As it stands, they are a well-oiled machine with impregnable armor and Moderators nearly as sharp as their tongues.
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Mods, as named for their Moderator swords.
Guardians, Mods
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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