King Lorvahn Character in The Emergent Plane | World Anvil

King Lorvahn

Characters with any of the following traits would know this information:     Background: Lived in Torvahl for longer than a year.   --------------   The sovereign of The Kingdom of Torvahl   King Lorvahn has ruled Torvahl longer than most can remember. Even the long-lived Treespeakers of Alea-thesai cannot remember a time before his rule.   The story of his rise to power, however, is a story that most of the country would have grown up hearing at some point or another:   It is said that Lorvahn built the country himself, when the city now known as Torvahlis was little more than a outpost in the middle of the region during the time of the Old Empire. When the Empire fell during the Second Dragon War, Lorvahn saw the turmoil caused by the interracial conflicts and grasping for power that occurred during the fallout of the war, and resolved to put a stop to it. Amassing an army of like-minded individuals, Lorvahn waged a war across the area, seeking to coalesce the factions that remained into a single unified country established under the values of "peace and harmony". Some joined in his endeavor, but many resisted, and those that chose not to join his cause willingly were brutally conquered and subjugated.   Establishing Torvahlis as his capital, he expanded outwards, conquering or confederating all the minor factions around him and steadily growing the nation of Torvahl into one of the most solidified forces on the continent. His expansion only ceased at the borders of current day Torvahl, where natural landmarks or the growing power of neighboring factions caused him to view further expansion as too costly to pursue. The exception to this being Kalava'kir, where despite several attempts to bring the desert country into the fold, Lorvahn was unable to successfully take the harsh arid lands from the growing Kalava'kir faction. The wars fought to do so remain fresh in the mind of the magical Kalava'kiri people despite the many long years since attempts were made, and to this day they still wage a war based on this ancient grudge against Lorvahn.   While some may view Lorvahn as having been a ruthless warlord during these times, his dedication to his subjects leaves most to view him as a wholly benevolent ruler to the people of Torvahl . Wise, compassionate, knowledgeable and a patron of the arts, the people of Torvahl have an almost divine level of reverence for their King, who, while he cannot stop every raid or prevent every racially-based altercation, does everything he can to treat his subjects with fairness and understanding.   In recent years, however, it is well known among much of the population of Torvahlis that his mood seems to have darkened significantly following the capture of his wife of the last few centuries, Queen Ellia'lorel . Queen Ellia was beloved by the people of Torvahl just as her King is, and her capture by Torvahls ancient rivals has left many clamoring for war. Lorvahn himself staunchly refuses to escalate the current conflict any more than need be, which has caused some atypical levels of doubt among the populace, with some nobles believing he has grown weak or complacent in his old age, despite such age not showing in his physical appearance. Sadly, one of the most prominent of these frustrated individuals is Lorvahn's young son, Torvahn, the King's first and only child and assumed heir to the throne, though that title seems irrelevant as the King seemingly will never die of old age. The friction between father and son has grown in the six years since Ellia's capture, and some even whisper about the sixteen-year-old son potentially leading an uprising if something is not done soon.


King Lorvahn

Husband (Vital)

Towards Queen Ellia'lorel



Queen Ellia'lorel

Wife (Vital)

Towards King Lorvahn




During one of King Lorvahn's visits to the Elven city to maintain relations, he roamed the woods disguised as one of his guards in an effort to deter would-be assassins while he had some downtime. It was there that Ellia found him, and she had no issues beginning a conversation with mockery for his manner of dress, as she had no knowledge of who he actually was. Over the course of his stay, the two continued to meet, with Ellia finding this Half-Elf calling himself "Lorn" a refreshing change from her usual stifling Elven company and Lorvahn finding her relatively brusque personality an equally refreshing change from the tedious political discussions of his daily life. The two bonded over their appreciation of music and artistic expression, and it wasn't long before this mutual appreciation of each other's company began to blossom into something more.   Lorvahn stayed in Alea'thesai for a month and a half, suspiciously longer than was required for his endeavors there, but eventually it was time for the King to return to his duties in the capital, still not having told Ellia of his true identity. The two met for what both assumed would be a final time, as Lorvahn's duties required his return and talks of Ellia's ascension to a Treespeaker were growing in number. Following a long, sorrowful, silence, Lorvahn blurted out a spontaneous proposal of marriage. shocking Ellia. With great reluctance, her initial response was that such a thing wouldn't be possible, as a Treespeaker is not a role that she could just throw away due to its importance to the sustainability of her people. After a few moments of long thought, Lorvahn proposed a simple solution: Accompany him to Torvahlis and establish another colony. Ellia immediately laughed off such an ignorant proposition, as establishing a new Great Tree would be impossible without the approval of the King.   To which he replied that, fortunately, he held that title.   Following a period of intense mockery and frustration that he would make a "joke" at a time like this, Lorvahn managed to eventually explain to her that he was not lying, that he was in fact King Lorvahn.   This was, of course, met with another round of even more intense (and completely justified) frustration and mockery for his deception. As the story goes, Ellia went through a very animated amount of shouting, pacing, and lecturing, Lorvahn finally erupt into laughter, asking her if that meant she agreed.    Which she did, although according to Lorvahn this certainly was the not the end of his scolding, which he claims lasted for several more hours. Ellia on the other hand claims he is heavily exaggerating.   After clarifying the situation with the shocked council of Treespeakers, and with Lorvahn making several pledges in the process, Ellia was granted the seed of a new Great Tree, and after their return to Torvahlis accompanied by a group of Wood Elves, the two immediately set to work finding a location to establish this new colony. They eventually settled on a forest to the South of Torvahlis, which was renamed to "Ellia's Rest", and over the centuries it has grown into a thriving Elven colony. While not as large as Alea'thesai, Ellia's Rest serves a connecting point between the Wood Elves and the people of Torvahl, even having a main road run through it and a small town existing within it called "Elfpoint", where Elves and non-Elves alike gather and exchange stories, art, and trade goods.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Art of all kinds, particularly music and painting.
  • Legal Status


    Bright, shining silver
    Silvery white and long enough to reach down the steps of his throne
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation