The Sisters in The Elysium Archipelago | World Anvil

The Sisters

A section of the Family that handles nonbelievers with a diplomatic approach. These family members in particular have their integumentary systems directly affected by a fragment of Nether. This allows them to influence their salient speaking skills and negotiating techniques with beauty that borders on unnatural. Whenever threatened by nonbelievers, they prefer to protect the Children and other members of the flock while reflecting a motherly visage so as to encourage them to disengage. They are rarely seen in the midst of conflict and are usually charged with spreading the word of the All-Mother, Achlys, to those less-fortunate. They are also heavily involved in charity work, environmental efforts and community-building activities. In some cases, they have been known to sexually influence nonbelievers who wish to join the Family. However, if they are pushed to violence, their skill with bladed weaponry is militaristic in nature. As such, they always carry a small amount of daggers hidden beneath their dresses. They usually travel in pairs of two, dressed in black and purple accented Peplos dresses. They are easily recognized with their Ancient Greek attire, long, curly hair and olive branch crowns.