Calanae Character in The Earthly Realm | World Anvil
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Member of Shiloh Village 's militia and daughter of Briggs . Often keeps to herself and very quiet, but can show a more adventurous and open side with those she's close to. Known as the best shot in Shiloh Village. Is rendered useless at the sight of blood.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Pellet Guns: The standard weapons Calanae uses on a day to day basis. The rubber bullets are enough to inflict pain and even stun smaller beasts.
Bola Gun: Calanae's standard capturing tool, used mostly when apprehending people attempting to run by releasing a high speed bola shot at the target.
Stun Gun: While the first model was a short ranged taser, after letting Nicolas help her with her equipment, he developed a special type of rubber bullet that releases a mid strength electric shock when it makes contact with an object.
Gunblades: Upgraded pellet guns Calanae has made by Nicolas to assist her in close range combat.
Flare Gun: A utility gun whose bullets explode after exposure to air, causing great bursts of light. When used at close range its light is enough to temporarily blind whoever is near by.
Caltrop Gun: A utility gun that releases several caltrops with each blast, used to limit a target's movements.
Blastduster Gun: More akin to a shotgun, the Blastduster is one of Calanae's secret weapons, releasing a large amount of gunpowder in a powerful close range explosion for maximum damage.
Tranquilizer Gun: Pellet guns modified to shoot tranquilizer tipped darts for nonaggressive takedowns.
Grappling Hook Gun: A utility gun which releasing a grappling hook when shot to attach onto a number of surfaces, even stone and iron.
"Surprise" Finisher Gun: ????



Sister (Important)

Towards Neilson




Brother (Important)

Towards Calanae



Current Location
Year of Birth
3261 AC 17 Years old
Aligned Organization
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