Phi (Aiden's Monster Character) Character in THE DREAMHUSK | World Anvil
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Phi (Aiden's Monster Character)


Name - Phi
Player - TheWildOne (Aiden)
Species - Changeling
Languages - Common
Size - Medium in changeling form.
Gender - Female/Gender Ambiguous
Hit Points - 13 (1d8 +Resistance.)
Speed - 30
Initiative - +5
Proficiency Bonus - +1
Permanence - 15
Senses - Darkvision 60ft
Class - Esoteric Beguiler
Lvl - 1
Exp -
Clothes - Unarmored, your Permanence is 12 plus your dexterity modifier (15).
Dagger - You carry three small daggers. 1d4 slashing/piercing damage plus your dexterity and proficiency (maximum of 11 damage). Range of 20 ft.
Resistances - None.
Immunities - None.
Weaknesses - None.
Feats and Abilities
  • Changeling Shifting - As a bonus action, changelings may copy the appearance of a different species or individual they've seen. If they've seen or been in contact with said species or individual in person they can change seamlessly; however, if they have never seen the subject they are transforming into, they must roll an allure check to transform correctly, with a difficulty of 11.
  • Copycat - As a bonus action, changelings may copy the ability of another individual or species they've been in contact with within the last 24 hours. However, this ability will not work with unrealistic abilities, such as Devourer of Souls, Gaseous/Plasma Form, or Life after Death, as they are too difficult to imitate reasonably.
  • Fae Blood - Fae are more inclined to trust and interact with changelings.
  • Performance.
Dex - 20 (+5)
Res - 18 (+4)
Enl - 20 (+5)
All - 20 (+5)
Mig - 16 (+3)
  • Acrobatics (Dex) (+5)
  • Arcane (Enl) (+5)
  • Athletics (Mig) (+3)
  • Deception (All) (+5)
  • Diplomacy (All) (+5)
  • History (Enl) (+5)
  • Insight (Enl) (+5)
  • Intimidation (All) (+5)
  • Investigation (Enl) (+5)
  • Medicine (Enl) (+5)
  • Nature (Enl) (+5)
  • Perception (Enl) (+5)
  • Performance (All) (+6)
  • Persuasion (All) (+5)
  • Slight of Hand (Dex) (+5)
  • Stealth (Dex) (+5)
  • Survival (Enl) (+5)
  • A small box of nails.
  • One small, grey cloak.
  • Comfort Buddy.
  • "Frogsworth".
  • A jar of twitching insect wings.
  • Two small game snares.
5'5" ft.

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