The Path of the Nine-Tails Organization in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil

The Path of the Nine-Tails

The religion of the The Path of the Nine-Tails (Kitsuneism) is an ancient faith that was originally widely practiced among the goblinoid clans of the Sun-Koku Region but has spread throughout the Isles. Kitsuneism can now be found all over, especially among those who value cunning, speed, trickery, and survival. It is based on the worship of the Kitsune Spirit, a fox with nine-tails, and a powerful and cunning entity who is said to embody the traits of speed, trickery, and survival. The followers of the spirit believe that the entity is a guide and protector, who helps them navigate the challenges of the world and find their way to victory. They believe that the spirit is a master of disguise and deception, and that it can take on many different forms in order to achieve its goals.   Kitsuneism is a polytheistic faith, and it includes many other minor spirits who are associated with and are loyal to the Kitsune Spirit. These include the Hare Spirit, the Wolf Spirit, and the Rat Spirit, among others. Each of these spirits is said to possess its own unique powers and abilities, which are invoked by the followers of the Fox Spirit in order to gain guidance, protection, and strength.   The followers of the The Path of the Nine-Tails are known for their cunning and resourcefulness, and they often employ elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honor and appease the deity. These rituals often involve offerings of food, drink, and other gifts, as well as elaborate dances, songs, and prayers.   The religion of the Kitsune Spirit is also closely associated with the art of the hunt. Many followers are skilled hunters and warriors, and they often invoke the power of the kitsune in order to track and kill their prey. They also believe that the kitsune can help them to become more stealthy and agile, allowing them to move quickly and silently through the forest in pursuit of their quarry.   The religion also has a number of sacred objects and symbols that are associated with it. The most important of these is the Mask of Nine, which is a mask that is worn by the worshippers during religious ceremonies and rituals. The mask is believed to be infused with the power of the spirit, and is said to grant its wearer heightened senses, speed, and agility.


Kitsuneism has no central authority or hierarchy, and followers of the faith are free to worship and honor the kitsune spirit in their own way. Many kitsuneists gather together in small communities, known as "kitsune dens," where they can share their beliefs and practices with others. These kitsune dens are often led by a respected member of the community who serves as a spiritual guide and mentor to the other members.   Kitsuneism is a flexible and adaptable faith, and followers are encouraged to interpret and express their beliefs in their own way. Some kitsuneists focus on honing their physical skills and abilities, becoming fast and agile warriors who can outmaneuver their enemies. Others focus on developing their cunning and trickery, becoming skilled at deception and misdirection. Still others focus on spiritual practices, seeking to connect with the kitsune spirit and tap into its power and wisdom.

Be swift, be cunning, and never be caught unawares

Religious, Other


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