The Metsukes Organization in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil

The Metsukes

The Metsukes are a specialized group of agents that operate within the Xia Shogunate. These agents are tasked with investigating and enforcing laws and regulations within the shogunate, often acting as censors and enforcers. Each Metsuke agent is highly investigated and vetted before being accepted into the group.   The process of becoming a Metsuke is rigorous and involves extensive background checks, as well as physical and mental evaluations to ensure that only the most capable and loyal individuals are selected. Once accepted into the group, Metsuke agents undergo extensive training in various skills, including martial arts, swordsmanship, and investigation techniques. They are also taught the shogunate's laws and regulations in great detail, as well as the various codes of conduct and protocols that they must follow while on duty.   Metsuke agents are known for their discipline and efficiency, and are often feared by those who seek to break the shogunate's laws. They are highly skilled fighters and are trained to handle any situation that they may encounter while on duty. Despite their fearsome reputation, Metsuke agents are also known for their fairness and impartiality, and are respected for their dedication to upholding the law and maintaining order within the shogunate.   The headquarters of the Metsukes is located in Ciradyl, the captial of the shogunate, in a large and imposing building known as the "Hall of Justice." The building is heavily guarded and surrounded by high walls, making it difficult for anyone to enter or exit without permission. Inside, the building is filled with interrogation rooms, holding cells, and offices for the Metsuke agents to conduct their business.


The leader of the Metsukes is a high ranking officer known as the Daimyo of Secrets. This individual is appointed by the Sky Shogun and is responsible for overseeing all operations of the Metsuke forces. The Daimyo of Secrets is a master of espionage and psychological warfare, using these skills to maintain control over the population and root out any potential threats to the Shogunate. Under the Daimyo of Secrets are several other officers who lead smaller units of Metsuke agents. These units are deployed throughout the Shogunate to carry out various tasks such as surveillance, interrogation, and arrests. The Metsukes are feared by many for their ruthless tactics and willingness to use violence to achieve their goals. Despite this, they are highly respected within the military structure of the shogunate for their dedication to upholding the law and maintaining order.

Sincerity, Diligence, and Loyalty

Secret, Governmental arm
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Notable Members


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