Gumiho Tears: Material in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil

Gumiho Tears:

Gumiho Tears are a rare material found in various mountains across the Dragon Isles. They are a shimmering blue-green liquid that glows brightly, found in deep crevices and hidden caves found in mountain ranges in the Zhangi Region, Xia Region, and Jagak Jungles Region,. Gumiho Tears possess powerful magical properties that can be used to enhance the effects of spells, potions, and elixirs. They can also be used to create powerful weapons and armor with magical properties ranging from enhanced strength to additional protection from certain types of magical attacks. Gumiho Tears are typically harvested by skilled adventurers who brave the treacherous mountain paths and traverse into the dark caves where they can be found. The tears are carefully collected in small glass bottles or vials, typically with a silver cap, so their potency is not reduced.   Gumiho Tears are difficult to find in most markets but several merchant houses have been striving to get their hands on the substance. In fact, most common citizens would not know of the existence yet. The Shards of Zavindjin have funded an expedition lead by trusted explorers to harvest a large quantity for further study and experimentation. This effort has temporarily tied the Shards with the merchant clan, Clan Nari, which primarily operates out of the Xia Shogunate.   The use of Gumiho Tears is new, and innovative applications are being studied across the Isles. One of the newest applications is the enchantment of items, weapons, and armors. To be used, an item must have special grooves etched, carved, or otherwise placed on it in such a fashion to allow the liquid to flow naturally within. Once the enchantment process, named "Gumiho Scripting", is finished the liquid magically binds to the item and flows around the grooves but never escapes or falls out.   This process very similar to Golemancy Calligraphy and scholars and artificers are intrigued by the similarities.


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