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The Dog Head

GSY 3091

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The galaxy is at a nominal peace. Some centuries after a long civil war, a strong centralized government has emerged within the core worlds. While this may be several lifetimes for some races, others feel the bite freshly in their minds. As a part of the cease fire, redistricting of the galactic community has allocated sectors of space to the various galactic players.   As relative newcomers, humans have been gifted a sector at the fringes of space. Called the "Dog Head" by locals due to its canid shape when drawn on a flat map, the fringe sector is fairly undeveloped and wild. While some sprawling cities have sprung up on the most hospitable of the planets, many of the worlds remain untamed lands of opportunity for those willing to take it.   Of course, seizing that opportunity means navigating the convoluted bureaucracy of human and alien politics, finding the means to exploit the lands, and fighting off any others who may be looking to exploit it as well as you.