Casanova Character in The Divided States | World Anvil
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Cassandra (a.k.a. Casanova, Cass)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Casanova's past life as she never discusses it with anyone, but from what Alex has pieced together, she was a farmhand as a child, her mother and father saved up enough money to begin their own farm where they hired other farmhands. She met a man of mysterious origins who worked on their farm, he showed her how to use sex for enjoyment rather than just reproduction. After her enthusiastic behavior, he gives her the nickname Casanova. He also revealed that he was a vampire and was willing to turn her into one as well if she would run away with him. She agreed and the two left her farm to travel throughout Europe, they did this for a century before her lover was caught by a guild of Vampire hunters and killed.   Afterward, she begins traveling alone doing various things to get by. She joined a circus in Spain, caught fish in the nordic seas, weaved rugs in Ibiza. Eventually, she grew bored of it and returned to sex, her favorite thing to do. She loved to lure victims, mostly men, into states of undress, have sex, and kill them at the peak of it. She became addicted to it but very quickly caught the attention of the same guild that had killed her lover. She had to stop for some years but began again. They almost caught her once and that was when she decided to move to the United States, a place where the guild did not have a presence.   She met Alex in Los Angles, California at some actor's party. She lures Alex into her usual trap but is shocked to discover Alex's black blood, a very foul-tasting fluid to a vampire. Alex considers killing her but lets her live on the promise that she will only target men from there on out. She agrees and they go their separate ways until they meet at another party. They strike up a conversation and begin to bond over similar things in their history. They form a sort of friendship, Alex considers it an acquaintanceship, but she always does.


300+ years


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