Gray Ravens Organization in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Gray Ravens

The Gray Ravens have spread beyond the borders of one city to become one of the most expansive crime organizations in the world. This is especially remarkable considering that the ravens are more than just smugglers or bandits. Their members take on all manner of underhanded and underworld work from fencing to extortion to even murder.


The Gray Ravens are loosely organized with each major group being fairly autonomous. Heading the organization is the mysterious 'Ser of Ravens'. Many rumors exist both inside and outside the ravens about this leader everything ranging from an elven noble, to a demon, to an entire council of people, to simply a very cunning person. If anyone knows who they are, they're certainly keeping the Ser of Ravens's secrets well. Regardless of who they are, the Ser is held in very high esteem amongst the Ravens. Some speculate that the Ravens do not have a higher organizational structure between groups and that instead groups identify as part of the group for the prestige and intimidation such an affiliation brings. It's likely that at least a few groups do this regardless of how much well organized the Ravens are since those outside the organization won't know.


Within the smaller groups the members tend to act as close friends of each other even if they barely know each other. It's not uncommon for many of a member's friends to also be Gray Ravens and for members to gather in places that have secret ties to the organization. Members of the Gray Ravens will often refer to it as 'the flock'.

Public Agenda

The Ravens' primary goal is to provide a support network for those who are willing to deal in more underhanded methods. They connect people of different professions together for their mutual benefit. Even simple farmers can join if they're willing to provide services for other members. In return for their goods and services members gain free or discounted goods and services from other members and the larger reach of the organization.


The Gray Ravens have access to many buildings that are owned by members along with those members' goods and services both legal and illegal. This ranges everywhere from clay vessels to professional assassins. This bredth of resources allow its members to escape jail, protect their property, buy much needed medicine, and more. One of the greatest assets of the Gray Ravens however is its reputation. Few people want mess with such an extensive organization especially considering the Ser of Ravens is often rumored to be very powerful.
Alternative Names

Cover image: by jh146


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