Children of the Warrior Organization in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Children of the Warrior

Zerje's worship could never die here, like it or not Zerje made southern Istervyn what it is, he made its people in his own image and thus we will always worship him.
Ushaan devotee of Zerje
Zerje has been a popular quasi-deity in southern Istervyn since at least the Suha Sovereignty . Although the fall of Suha saw a decline in Zerje's worship, his ideals had already become part of most ethnicities' of the area beliefs and values. It was only a matter of time before worshipers of Zerje became a dominant force in the region again. The Chileren of the Warrior seek to increase their cult's power and influence; while they've met great success, there is still much that needs to be done before the cult achieves the prestige it once had.


During the Suha Sovereignty, the cult had a centralized organization but after its fall the cult is much more localized like most other quasi-deity cults. During the time of Suha, the cult had a central temple in Zerasho where the Zerasaa resided. The Zerasa was assisted in their duties by the heads of temples of Zerje throughout Suha who also served as the cult's leader in the area of the sovereignty around their temple.

Currently the cult is organized much more loosely: most major settlements have an especially devout or dedicated follower known as a disciple who acts as a leader for devotees of Zerje in the area. Unlike in earlier times, the disciples do not answer to a Zerasaa nor is there a dedicated hierarchy supporting them. Despite the lack of a Zerasa, Zerje's most devout disciples and those that have greatly furthered Zerje's goals are called the Zerasaa. Sometimes the disciples will meet to discuss news, activities, and proper procedures.

Tenets of Faith

Zerje expects his followers to work towards becoming their best selves, help others become their best selves, and help organizations become their best selves. He does not condone accepting anything less than the ideal or letting anything or anyone stand in the way of the ideal unless under dire circumstances. While Zerje promotes idealism, he does recognize the need and value of caution and doing what is not easy but what is necessary. He command his followers to be cold when necessary and not to allow enemies of the ideal to thrive. Zerje dreams of a world where everyone will work towards the betterment of themselves, others, and the entire world and anything that threatens this ideal will be dealt with swiftly and not allowed to fester.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many groups in southern Istervyn feel the influence of Zerje. They pursue their ideals relentlessly and do whatever necessary to see to its triumph. A common sentiment in southern Istervyn is that if those that do not share the same ideals as you are allowed to prosper, your ideals will never be realized.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Cult of Zerje in Southern Istervyn, Children of the Relentless Warrior, Soldiers of the Warrior, Soldiers of Zerje
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Rinmaru


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