Styrok Tradition / Ritual in The Denary Realms | World Anvil


Styrok is a simple card game, played mostly by commoners, as nobles find playing cards is degrading and beneath them, with most of them preferring the nobility of chatur.   Game information:
>> Either 2, 4 or six players can play the game. The number must be even though.
>> The game's deck consists of 30 cards.
>> There are seven "faces": Dragon, Stag, Turtle, Falcon, Rabbit, Octopus and Snake.
>> Each of these "faces" has 4 cards attached to it, numbered from 1 to 4.
>> There are also two special cards, called Ara. They depict a female and male Titan.   How to play:
>> Each player receives 5 cards. The cards that are left are placed in the middle of the table.
>> Each game round consists of three rounds and one final phase. On the first round each and every player must exchange 1 of their cards with whoever they wish, blindly. That means that they can't know what cards they are getting but can choose the card that they will give. The goal here is to give the weakest card to your opponent.
>> In the second round all players discard one card in the middle of the table. The card is of their choice. After this each player must have four cards.
>> In the last round they can change one of their remaining cards with a random from the pile in the middle of the table taking turns, starting from the player left of the dealer. After all players have made their choice all of them drop one more card in the pile. Changing the card with another is optional, but dumping one is not. At the end of this each player must have exactly three cards.
>> During the last phase, also known as "duel" the players square off in pairs. Each player is squared off with the one directly across from them. They place their cards in the order they wish and compare them against each other. The cards must be revealed at the same time to avoid any cheating.  
Each "face" has two weaknesses:
>>> Dragon looses from turtle and snake
>>> Stag looses from dragon and snake
>>> Turtle looses from octopus and falcon
>>> Falcon looses from dragon and stag
>>> Rabbit looses from falcon and snake
>>> Octopus looses from stag and rabbit
>>> Snake looses from turtle and falcon
>>> Ara count as whatever the player wishes and provides immunity from one type of card but this must be declared as soon as the player opens his cards on the table.  
> Out of the three cards a player must on at least two pairings. Those who lose abandon the rest of this game and must wait for a new one to play again. In case that there are six players, that means three are left. Then if any of these players has the rabbit with number two can stay out and the other two will duel. Otherwise, they each take a card from the discards and the two with the lowest numbers face each other.
> The goal is that this continues until one player is left. Whatever each player has bet, stays with the winner and a new game begins.  
> Important rules:
>>> The order of the cards can't be changed during or between duels.
>>> Any amount of money, or none at all, can be bet, but there can be no raises.
>>> Each game only has one winner. In case of a draw, the player who has an Ara wins. If there are none, cheating may have been involved.


The game reportedly stems from the need of the lower caste to socialize with each other, where betting occurred and thus Styrok was born. Together with Macao is one of the two games most widely spread among the populace of Elion or kingdoms near Elion.

Components and tools

A deck of cards is the only thing needed.
Primary Related Location

Cover image: by Endora Rodgers


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