Seeking Hope

In the end, they found no sword and were in debt to some pretty shady people. But what they found, all the stories collected are far more valuable than any sword could be. Because in the end, it's not the blade that matters but the hand which wields it.


Seeking Hope contains the journal and the stories gathered by the author, Sinis Ilham, during his quest to discover the fate of the legendary blade Epilogue. It covers a span of almost twenty years and is the only published work of the author.

Historical Details


Almost 1000 years after the death of Nathaniel Luther Whytelaw the Order was starting to falter. Losing its grasp over the people it was decided to fund an expedition into recovering the lost blade of their founder, in the hopes that it would bring them some of their lost prestige.   After much deliberation they recruited a young troubadour, freshly graduated from his Lyceum, Sinis Ilham and placed him with a prominent mage from the Academy, Rayleve Tocollete and a knight of some repute, Pevynor the Stern. Together the trio, travelled to all ends of Aelliria, tracking rumors and echoes of the legend that the blade holds.
Seeking Hope is a collection of entries from Sinis Ilham's journal, collected and made into a book by an unknown author.
Journal, Personal
Authoring Date
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by Endora Rodgers


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