Etaen Geographic Location in The Denary Realms | World Anvil


Etaen is the alternative name given to the entirety of the Denary Realms. All mortals, immortals and everything else in between reside within Etaen. The two names are interchangeable.


Etaen consists of the following main parts:

  • On the top is the sky. The sky is a pitch black surface, devoid of color but somehow able to reflect light. Upon the sky one can see reflections of the souls which float in Macaria which are known as Rais or Stars.
  • Lake Macaria lies at the bottom of Etaen. Lake Macaria is the final resting place for all souls belonging to those who perish. Once a soul or spirit has entered Macaria, it can never be restored to life even by divine intervention. Touching or entering Macaria is deadly to mortals.
  • In the middle between Macaria and the Sky lie The Nine Realms. Comprised of nine disks, set around a huge tower which extends from the lake to the top, The Nine Realms are illuminated by two orbs of light, Hemera and Nyx, which descend and ascend in opposite faction.
  • What seems to be a pillar to an outsider is actually Euon, the Great Axion which goes through each and every realm and is what helps them to rotate. Its base lies deep within Macaria Lake and its tip reaches the deep, dark sky.
  • Mantea, also known as The Peak of The World or Krystallia. It is considered the residence of all Divine Beings, far out of reach for mortals.

  • There is also Nyx, Light of the Night which is a silvery/pale white orb of light ascending and descending alongside the Nine Realms as well as Hemera, Light of the Day another orb of light but yellow/orange in color.

    Fauna & Flora

    Etaen contains all kinds of flora and fauna across the realms.

    Natural Resources

    All kinds of natural resources can be found in Etaen.
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Denary Realms
    Planar Sphere/Grouping
    Location under
    Characters in Location

    Cover image: by Endora Rodgers


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