The Platinum Asteroid Belt of Exon-12 Settlement in The Delta Space | World Anvil

The Platinum Asteroid Belt of Exon-12

History and Importance

The Platinum Asteroid Belt of Exon-12 is one of the largest fields of platinum-rich asteroids in The Delta Space, which orbits several planets and stations in the Exon-12 sector. This asteroid belt has provided work for thousands of residents in the sector for generations and is one of the only independent fields still in operation. No one is quite sure who first discovered it, but it is hypothesized that some of the first space miners of the region likely stumbled upon it by chance and casually began to grab what they could from it and sell it on nearby stations and planets. And soon enough more enterprising independent miners would come and each would happily share in the bounty that the large asteroid belt provided.   It is independent in the sense that no corporation or business holds ownership over it, and as long as nobody gets in each other's way any independent miner can grab a spot and grab what he needs. Though it is governed by the sector's governing body, the Exon Authority. Which also governs Exon sectors one through fourteen as well.    The only strict rule instituted by the Exon Authority is that no major permanent operation or facilities can be built in the asteroid field. This is to ensure that over mining does not occur and that independent miners can continue making a living off of the asteroid belt without interference from larger mining corporations.    A major concern of the Exon Authority is having a MegaCorpo swoop in and swipe the asteroid belt and claim it under the Unappropriated Territory Clause. A common tactic used by sketchy corporations, this claim is used to argue that the territory is not being used to its highest potential by any official business claimant and can therefore be claimed for economic use. This is why the Exon Authority keeps a close eye on things in the area, and has even designated the space as culturally and economically important to the sector. Though this label is shakey as the area is worked by independents and not the government itself, which instead buys its share of platinum from the independent workers.   However, this has not calmed the nerves of The Exon Authority as they still fear another situation like what happened with the space station located in Exon-5, which was swindled so thoroughly that a MegaCorpo called the X'angolia Corporation actually seized it as their own property and turned it into a mega-casino called The Pleasure Domes of Exon-5. All of which was technically legal due to a small clause in a sneaky financing scheme. An embarrassing event for a usually watchful governing body who now begrudgingly allows the entertainment station to operate in their space. It does admittedly bring in a substantial amount of traffic to the sector.   

Attempts at Purchase and Current Ownership Dispute

Several lucrative offers have been sent to the Exon Authority over the years, in increasing levels of desperation. Many of the high-end mining corporations have come calling, each arriving with their own deal that they think will finally convince the Exon Authority to let the asteroid belt go. And while they have all failed so far, they each continue to hold out hope that they will eventually take control of the Platinum Asteroid Belt of Exon-12. As the platinum found within is almost priceless, the material being one of the most important in the galaxy, as it is a requirement in building the electronics of space-faring ships. Having control over such a large territory of valuable materials would easily put any company at the forefront of its industry. But all offers have been refused by the Exon Authority thus far with the governing body preferring to keep the belt accessible for its independent natives.   However, a recent development has thrown the miners of the field and the Exon Authority into chaos. The largest mining corporation and MegaCorpo level business, Verumos Industries, has staked a claim to the territory in which the asteroid belt lies. Now, this isn't surprising on its surface, many other companies have tried to claim the territory as their own. Attempting to use the Unappropriated Territory Clause, but all have failed due in part to The Exon Authority registering the territory as culturally and economically important to the sector. What makes Verumos Industries' claim different, is that they have instead provided "proof" that they were in fact the original discoverers, and hence the true owners of the asteroid belt.   The proof they claim to have is an old signal drone, claimed to have been found in the asteroid belt's territory. These signal drones are commonly sent out by businesses when they are claiming unowned territory, sending out signals to passing ships telling them the property is now owned. A representative of the company claims to have found the signal device damaged and inactive in the field recently, and when reactivated it was "discovered" that it had sent out numerous signals stating that Verumos Industries had claimed the territory. And the date of the first signal sent out predates the formation of the Exon Authority by a full year. And while this evidence is quite suspect, it has still begun a bitter war of words between the two groups and the outcome is currently unknown. If Verumos Industries claims are accepted as fact, and the Exon Authority is forced to give up its ownership, thousands of independent workers will likely lose their entire livelihoods in an instance.
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