Yuindarium Technology / Science in The Dark Maybe | World Anvil
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Yuindariums are rare mystical objects only found on the Yuin-Dar Planets. Planets created and ruled by the Yuin Dar(The Original Beings) The object and purpose of these artifacts are obscure and different from artifact to artifact. Most if not all artifacts enable the ability to travel throughout the Dark Maybe, and as such is sought after by most mortals, However each artifact are equally capable of both corrupting and evolving the mortals who possess it.   Only one of these Items was briefly described by Archmagister Antherius a scholar in his journal As a then Novice in the Cult of Lux Viatores, He was sent by the Cult to the Planet of Alketh to find and bring one back.   Excerpts of Antherius's Journal: "Day 242: I finally reached the end of that blasted maze, I don't know how long I've been walking these corridors, but by Voropti's Staff, I made it, I can barely believe it. As i exited the maze I was awe struck by the massive temple before me, Just as it was described in the Obscure Ways, This is the place, I just know it! I entered the Temple, to yet again be greeted by one of the Automatons who roam this planet, Most likely an ancient creation by Alketh himself. The Automaton led me further into the temple until I entered what seemed to be the center of this temple. The Automaton interacted with some contraption, as the contraption opened and revealed what was within i was almost blinded by the unnatural glow, It appeared to be what I could best describe as a ornate lantern made of some brass like metal alloy. As the brightness subsided I could see an inscription reading Aht'Kethara, - That confirmed it, The Obscure Ways listed that name as one of the Artifacts created by Alketh. Its beautiful and pulsating with energy and as I held the artifact, I could feel the energy inside it, I could see and comprehend the mutliple permations of the Dark Maybe! I was one With the Three! I could feel the touch of Alketh!   The Aht'Kethara was brought back to Quasi Marastir by Archmagister Antherius. The Aht'Kethara is being kept by the Order of Yuin-Dar, In the Capital city of Lapesh.
Cult of Lux Viatores

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