The Winter Roc Myth in The Cutting Room Floor | World Anvil
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The Winter Roc

I love the Winter Roc, it's a great excuse to wear my biggest jumper and just sit by the fire all day!
Clara Ambritt, Clara's Curiosities Radio Cast

The Winter Roc is an old Sky Folk myth regarding a massive stormfront that passes across The Open Sky at the start of winter each year.


The myth was based on the belief that the heavy blizzard that blows across the world every winter was a colossal Snow Roc, the titular Winter Roc. It was believed that it hibernated somewhere beneath the cloud layer, waking up once a year to fly across the world in search of food, its flapping wings leaving a blizzard behind in its wake.
While few people believe in the myths these days, many still refer to the storm as the Winter Roc.

Historical Basis

The storm that inspired the myth has been a yearly occurrence in The Open Sky since before records began. While the severity and punctuality of the storm have varied, the Winter Roc has always arrived. It likely came to fruition, inspired by the Snow Roc a large bird native to the world that leaves a dusting of snow behind it, the storm was presumed to be a massive individual of the species.


The myth is largely restricted to the Open Sky, it is an event unique to the world so has little reason to be found elsewhere. Even in Sea Folk, a group that branched off from Sky Folk, the myth is all but forgotten.
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