Genesys 2.0 Statblock Sampler in The Crucible | World Anvil

Genesys 2.0 Statblock Sampler

Bacon ipsum dolor amet commodo frankfurter shoulder, ipsum beef ribs reprehenderit t-bone est exercitation. Irure biltong fatback kevin chicken non, meatloaf commodo qui. Hamburger nulla shoulder short loin reprehenderit picanha id minim ball tip fugiat officia sirloin tenderloin turducken. Pork       Tenderloin in commodo minim kevin strip steak pork chop, voluptate sirloin consequat turducken porchetta swine t-bone. Flank brisket pork chop beef ham hock cow turkey nulla lorem pork belly buffalo. In jerky ham ut reprehenderit. Sirloin mollit buffalo, enim beef ribs excepteur short loin doner ullamco id. Velit ball tip porchetta chuck sed shank ex occaecat chicken swine frankfurter ut nisi.   Esse ground round nulla ham hock ham kielbasa. Sunt in tail, adipisicing strip steak beef ribs excepteur duis ex tempor est ut jerky tri-tip. Boudin sed in magna short ribs ex cupim pariatur. Fatback jerky pariatur alcatra tenderloin ball tip incididunt velit. Porchetta dolore commodo cillum, quis dolore short loin dolor hamburger boudin labore pork jowl duis.   Ribeye chuck et, reprehenderit exercitation sunt aliquip pariatur doner ad ullamco turducken ipsum spare ribs ex. Spare ribs laboris swine ullamco. Sed boudin shankle meatball, commodo est tenderloin duis cupidatat hamburger chicken rump mollit nisi. Quis pastrami et sint, aliquip commodo meatball ea culpa tongue aute in eiusmod filet mignon. Occaecat tri-tip ball tip buffalo shank enim. Veniam rump consequat pancetta ground round cow pork voluptate duis strip steak tri-tip prosciutto excepteur ham hock.     Enim nostrud voluptate frankfurter, sunt picanha spare ribs. Alcatra ullamco sunt swine do spare ribs quis. Shoulder ad aliquip dolor ut. Alcatra filet mignon ball tip, pastrami leberkas qui minim bresaola do meatball tail. Nulla elit capicola culpa rump occaecat. Esse aliquip tongue drumstick kielbasa minim brisket alcatra reprehenderit fatback excepteur tri-tip in sunt.
Dr. Newton Weiss
Species Human
Career Doctor
Player Jon

Bra 2
Agi 2
int 4
cun 2
will 2
pre 2
General Skills
Career Ranks
cool c c
medicine c c c d
resilience d d
survival d d
vigilance c c
Non-Career Ranks
astrocartography d d d d
athletics d d
computers c d d d
coordination d d
discipline c d
driving d d
mechanics d d d d
operating d d d d
perception d d
piloting d d
skullduggery d d
stealth d d
streetwise d d
Magic Skills
Career Ranks
Non-Career Ranks
Social Skills
Career Ranks
Non-Career Ranks
charm d d
coercion d d
deception d d
leadership d d
negotiation d d
Knowledge Skills
Career Ranks
Surgery c c d d
Street Medicine c d d d
Non-Career Ranks
Combat Skills
Career Ranks
melee-light c c d
Non-Career Ranks
brawl d d
gunnery d d
melee-heavy d d
ranged-light d d
ranged-heavy d d
Total XP 190
Free XP 0
Wound Threshold 12
Current Wounds 12
Strain Threshold 13
Current Strain 13
Soak Value 1
Melee/Range Defence 0 / 0
Weapon Stats
Name Skill Dmg Crit Rng Special
Nanite Scalpel Melee - Light +1 3 Engaged Pierce 1
Aphrodite Clerics Uniform 1 soak Surgical/Medical Tool Kit

Tier One Talents
Knack For It (Medicine), Surgeon, Quick Strike
Tier Two Talents
Razorhand, Lucky Strike (Intelligence)
Tier Three Talents
Tier Four Talents
Tier Five Talents
Special Abilities
Nanite surgical tools implanted into back (Modify Medicine rolls situationally).
Pork deserunt minim, pariatur brisket in bacon in ea ball tip strip steak aliqua officia. In proident ribeye beef, shoulder rump tempor eu minim turducken salami reprehenderit adipisicing ex ball tip. Pork buffalo id cow adipisicing burgdoggen doner in lorem picanha dolore landjaeger. Id nisi chuck pork belly sunt cupim non anim. Duis turducken in salami ullamco aute pariatur short ribs. Doner pancetta velit, aute pig eu nisi alcatra. Exercitation aliqua sausage, strip steak dolore mollit pastrami burgdoggen frankfurter.   Frankfurter capicola id eiusmod shank quis qui dolore enim labore pork laborum meatball sunt. Jerky capicola exercitation in adipisicing swine, qui minim dolor duis filet mignon shank turducken. Nostrud jowl deserunt meatball andouille cillum, boudin fatback aute. Pork belly pancetta quis capicola velit bresaola fugiat ut sirloin, alcatra reprehenderit eiusmod landjaeger drumstick. Eu ball tip cupidatat, quis occaecat ullamco ea incididunt pork pork chop in minim sint laborum. Frankfurter short loin short ribs sed.   Sirloin aliquip ut buffalo brisket. Pancetta ut jerky capicola, pork chop brisket doner sunt tri-tip. Cow incididunt chuck jerky laboris leberkas irure do. In occaecat ex jerky alcatra capicola ut venison esse burgdoggen consequat qui.   Lorem sunt andouille esse bresaola pork belly. Cupidatat prosciutto deserunt sint reprehenderit lorem enim ribeye aliqua short ribs pariatur voluptate flank porchetta cupim. Pork belly jowl t-bone, frankfurter ham hock kielbasa officia drumstick turkey doner rump do. Tenderloin meatball spare ribs ad kielbasa jowl. Ullamco cow chuck, brisket excepteur velit spare ribs biltong kevin prosciutto pork anim picanha. Reprehenderit pastrami frankfurter pork aliqua picanha tri-tip ut.   Jowl ball tip cow sint boudin velit landjaeger, lorem alcatra shankle non esse mollit ipsum. Swine turkey esse cow ham velit. Laborum deserunt tail in spare ribs strip steak. Exercitation excepteur ham hock flank, beef eiusmod pig tempor sed.
Dr. Newton Weiss
B 2
A 2
I 4
C 2
W 2
P 2
Wounds 12/12
Strain 13/13
Soak 1
Defence M0/R0


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