Taikin Yasum
Master Mage Taikin Oronashi Tokit Bluort Yasum
Taikin was brilliant everyone knows that. Vain, self-absorbed, critical and harsh came with that territory. He was sought as a healer who could replace lost limbs and deformities others could not. The methods were unusual but effective, and came only with a high cost. Considered the ultimate transformer of bodies by the colleges in Soramizu his business collapsed during the The Plague of Silmora due to a lack of clients that wanted something other than a protection from the plague not even he could supply.
His panic with the plague led him to become a recluse, though shortly before his death it appeared that he created a reliable vaccine against the plague. It was a bit late as most the population that survived already had gained immunity to the disease.
Today his name is remembered in the cosmetic magic industry. 'Taikin' is often used as an adjective to describe a particularly effective beauty treatment or cosmetic procedure.
Physical Description
Identifying Characteristics
Many tattoos all over the body and a shock of wild green hair always in a pompadour.
Apparel & Accessories
Never in anything not fashionable, but always changing his wardrobe with the latest fashions.
Mental characteristics
Taikin learned in the best institutions, and racked up a considerable debt in doing so. Graduating top of his class in psychic and anatomic studies, he proceeded to gain expertise in mind and body manipulation.
Accomplishments & Achievements
He was sought after for his groundbreaking techniques in body manipulation using magic. Considered the inventor of total body manipulation techniques through the use of magical plants and manipulating injections.
Mental Trauma
Dealing with those who desired content body modification let him to also become increasingly vain and cruel to those around him.
Personality Characteristics
Eliminate ugliness in the world, and seek perfection in a myriad of forms.
Savvies & Ineptitudes
Cannot pick up on social cues most of the time. Partially because he finds it inconvenient to care what others think, partially because of his personality and own brain chemistry.
6911 IR
6997 IR
86 years old
Circumstances of Death
It is unknown when or where he died, he just simply disappeared and some of his magical wards in his villa failed. At that point he was considered dead as there were no resources to go looking for him.
Quotes & Catchphrases
I can provide many services if you can pay. Wings are within my grasp, as are hooves, beauty, and even a dominating presence.