Society of the Name Organization in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Society of the Name

The Society of the Name is a loose organization of offices which try to track births, deaths, marriages, and other pertinent demographic information. Their records are often used to prove royal lineage, encourage sorcerous lineages to produce more offspring and generally trace families.  

Notable Contributions

The organization has over time sponsored the creation of the several important magical items such as, the Scribes Quill, the Scriveners Lap, and the Mind Record.   The Scribes Quill:  a magical item that can copy manuscripts.   The Scriveners Lap: a small plank of wood that magically transforms into a desk with ink, quill and paper. It acts also as extra dimensional storage for several ledgers, books, or other papers.   The Mind Record: Large amounts of paper are required for record keeping, this was one solution to the sprawl. This diadem of a jewel attaches to the forehead and allows access to a small library of works. Ones vision is clouded while the jewel is attached.  

Notable Chapters

Recorders of the Nomle The Host of the Nomele runs their own disperse chapter of this society. The clergy will often have this secondary role to record births and deaths within their realm, even if the births and deaths are not of their faith. The Annals of Life are centrally recorded in each branch and copied in the larger temples.   Tilman Records office The record offices in Tilman are especially important to the magocracy of predominantly sorcerers that rule the country. With this position in society they are well funded, with fantastic offices and great pay. Position is related to how strong your sorcerous bloodlines are. This has resulted in some concerns of fabrication to support rulers positions however.   The Loremasters of the Omoikane  The Loremasters have great interest in records and record keeping. They feel any information may be useful, and are loath to dispose of any of it. It was the lore masters who are rumored to produce the most comprehensive Mind Records. Even to be said one can lose their life seeking in one.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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