Sayings of the Shield Hills
A great many unusual sayings a present in the The Shield Hills but below are collected some of the common ones.
Squided - Refers to a situation in which the mind is not operating well. Either due to a concussion, a spell, or from its namesake related to a mind flayer attack.
A bold in a trap - Refers to someone who is caught in their own hastily improvised trap. Used for both social and physical dilemmas caused by the person trapped in them. It comes from the longer phrase, "Like a kobold snared in it's own trap." A quote from the Trip Feeler Detective novels by acclaimed gnomish author Pitras Poul Kevimish.
Wingless in parliament - Refers to someone out of their depth in a particular field or situation. It comes from the collective noun for a group of Sphinx being known as a parliament. Most non-sphinx individuals cannot match the savvy and depth of knowledge in such a group and typically are also devoid of wings.
The dragons eggs - Something particularly amazing is called the dragons eggs. Its origin is unknown, but is exceptionally popular by the young. It has almost completely displaced an older phrase of something being "happed up."
Hag's thorax - used as a slightly more polite interjection than cursing. It is still looked upon unfavorably by mothers in the presence of their children. It comes from using the same first letters in Gumknish as the more vulgar words of Sh** and Fu**.
Swimming in the Pickles - This is a recent phrase used to describe someone not paying attention. Used almost exclusively by the young it is gaining traction.
Writing System
It uses the AoEim alphabet.
Geographical Distribution
Generally considered universal across the realms.
Gumknish is the most common language throughout the realm of Gorel and beyond. Typically used for all trading and politics.