Kerenin Carrag Character in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Kerenin Carrag

Kerenin Carrag (a.k.a. The Defended Sorcerer)

Kerenin, the Elven wizard, was a powerful mage who stopped the raging demon horde released in the Forest Kingdom of Tuathanan about 80 years ago. She encased the hills with a ice storm and faced down the elder demon personally. Her magic shield defected blow after blow as she worked her spells to seal the demon and his kin back into the hell the arose from. It is due to her stabilizing influence that the Kingdom of Tuathanan has remained one of the few kingdoms that retained it's identity through the plague.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aged Elf, with delicate refined facial features and a thin frame. Her height was unusually tall among the elves, giving her incredible presence when entering a room.

Identifying Characteristics

Dragon entwined with a rose that covers her left leg to her hip.

Physical quirks

Hair pulling

Special abilities

Her body had been fortified against all disease with powerful abjuration magic. She was however not able to replicate the effects reliably among others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Hills north of Urbsilva.


She learned at the feet of many great wizards and was the last student of the prestigious university of Silvanim known to be alive.


Originally a researcher into abjuration and wide ranging enchantment effects, after the plague she focused on perfecting arcane methods of disease prevention.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The creation of the Shield of Kerenin, a large flying semi-intelligent shield that would constantly protect it's owner.   The killing of a demon horde and sealing it's gateway.

Failures & Embarrassments

In killing the demon horde, her magical defenses were down long enough for her to contract the The Plague of Silmora. All her excellent protection magic could only slow it's progress and she died several years later.

Personality Characteristics


To lead others was her goal. Especially so that justice and order would prevail.


Family Ties

Her parents died only shortly before she did, and she had no living siblings. Though she had several romantic interests, none became a permanent part of her life.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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