Cinctum Council

The Cinctum Council is the governing body over the Soramizu protectorate. It consists of representatives from the Cinctums of the protectorate. Cinctums were originally a name given to the Precincts of the city, but the definition was expanded over time to include other regions and entities that had a say in the council.   Several entities control their respective geographic cinctums and have effectively permanent positions on the council. These include religious institutions including Church of the Earthstar as well as the Church of Erev. Others include hereditary positions with wealthy houses, powerful businesses, and the university.


Taking cues from the former city government, the city and surrounding areas are divided into Cinctums. Each Cinctum has a representative that attends the Cabinet meetings and sets policy. The old city (before war and plague reduced the population) had 35 Cinctums, but only 21 are currently functioning in any capacity. Three Cinctums are specially designated; the Port Tower, the Plague Guard, and the Tourmaline Archive. Additionally, the larger towns of Idomura, Tirath, Tor Muron, and Fun Zol have their own Cinctums. The smaller towns have Cinctums that include multiple towns; Sittleport and Mizuno, Tan Tor and Bolormach, Carmet and Tridel and Boisd, Andol and Ulmalo and Privan. As constituted today this means there are 32 members of the council. Restoration of older Cinctums in the city could allow that number to be expanded, as could territorial expansion.     There is no standard method of determining Cinctum representatives and so each selects in it's own method. From the Twilight Cinctum the Church of the Earthstar sends a Bishop to compliment it's permanent representative as part of the Plague Guard. Northtown Cinctum consist of three smaller towns and their town councils meet to vote on a representative. The Ivory Cinctum sends a representative from the University. The Courtyard sends a representative of the trades guild of Hannort.   The Cinctum Council elects a leader from among the populace to appoint an Executive Officer called the Dai Cinctum or Daitum for short. This leader manages the Port Tower and executes policy. They also appoint the representative for the Port Tower. This leader is appointed for life, though they can be removed by a vote of no-confidence with a super majority of the council voting for such disposition.   The council appoints 7 ministers to the seven departments that are run by the government.
  • Accounts and Measures, managing taxation of the Cinctums and standardizing currency exchange
  • Order of Rangers, including their Opinicus riding elite Ventin Sky Cavalty
  • Lightbearers, the administrative wing that maintains the magic lamps and sewer system
  • Arbiters, the judicial branch
  • Port Tower, the managers of the Port Tower itself, including security and maintenance
  • Marque and Sail, the managers of sea protection and hired privateers
  • Archives, which manages all government documents and publications

Public Agenda

Maintain the security and stability of the region and re-open the portal networks when able to do so. Generally it acts to maintain the status quo balance of power.


Functioning portals, it is the only known location on the planet that escaped the Holy Quarantine. Though it doesn't operate the portals openly, most know that they exist and are truly functional.


Founded as a temporary council to handle the disorder in the region due to problems within the Minam Empire, the organization was made up of various influential individuals working to stabilize things during the crisis. Six years after creation it was formalized as a government in the vacuum provided by the War of Retribution, and the Holy Quarantine.   Over the years it has only cemented itself as a critical power in the region though it has chosen not to expand on its holdings.

Uphold, Preserve, Maintain

Founding Date
21 Halbex 6981
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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