Kylose Material in The Cosmic Labyrinth | World Anvil
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Kylose is the main component in rocket fuel, which is used to power most starships and cruisers. This mineral is very valuable and will go for nearly 5,000 Imperials per kilo. The mineral is formed deep within the ground, in freezing temperatures. To purify it, it must be heated to one-thousandth of a degree below its boiling point so it does not explode. At the current moment, scientists against pollution are trying to develop a fuel without Kylose, but all the major fueling companies are against and covertly roadblocking the operation.


Material Characteristics

Raw kylose allows the full spectrum of colors to pass through it, causing it to be a rainbow tint.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Very volatile and used for rocket fuel

Geology & Geography

Deep within a planet, only in areas at absolute zero.


Melting / Freezing Point
before reaching its melting point, Kylose explodes, and there has been no freezing point of Kylose found, either.
Common State


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