Blacksmith Rank/Title in The Community | World Anvil
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To be the Blacksmith you have to be able to maintain the forge, maintain the smithy tools, and shape metal with the forge. It is also important they be able to melt glass in the forge, burn charcoal in the charcoal pit, as well as load and fire the kiln.


The original Blacksmith, and to date the only blacksmith, was a hobbyist who built his own forge and made his own tools and knives for more than a decade. Since The Split that's the only work he does. He knows what the Community needs him to forge and when, he knows what supplies he needs and when and where to get them, and generally how and when things should be done. To be sure the person who follows in his place knows all the same things, the Blacksmith decreed that anyone who wants to hold the title will have to be apprenticed to him for two years and maintain the inventory and ordering for a year after that.


When the Community came up with the idea of title holders, they gave out titles to those already there that were serving specialized roles. They voted on the various titles, and simply brought them into being. For the next generation of title holders, or for those who join the community with skills deserving a title, a community member has to nominate the citizen. Once nominated, if the contender has the necessary qualifications, the Community holds a vote to determine if the title will be given to them.


The Blacksmith's foremost duty is making sure the citizens of the Community have the supplies they need to survive. Charcoal is the most important, but after that are tools and supplies for building or maintenance. As a titleholder the Blacksmith has to take turns overseeing weekly Community meetings, and take part in any Council meetings called.


To be the Blacksmith you have to keep an inventory of the Community's tools, their condition, and who has them. They have to estimate the need for forged supplies, such as wire and nails, and keep inventory to meet demand. They also have to keep inventory on charcoal, estimate how much is needed, how much each household is using, and try to make sure there is plenty at all times. The same goes for cold glass, and pottery clay. They also have to gather the potash from the forge, kiln, and charcoal pit to place them in the lye leeching barrels. The lye has to be processed and stored with the other supplies.   The Blacksmith oversees all trading for clay, white sand, black sand, and limestone. The Blacksmith decides the value of things produced by the Smithy, such as regular supplies, custom orders, and large projects requiring tools and supplies from the Smithy. It's incredibly important that the Blacksmith be fair and equitable with valuations, or else they could destabilize the Community's internal economy.


Serving on the council counts both as a duty, and as a benefit. Council members have a much greater say over how the Community is run than average citizens, but serving does take time and great effort. Because a titleholder has the responsibility of using their skill as well as serving on the council, they can collect their Community goods without having to volunteer at any of the community buildings. They are guaranteed the same amount of communal food and goods as those who serve their time. Any apprentice serving full time can collect as well.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Blacksmith is in charge of the forge, charcoal pit, and the kiln. The Blacksmith has to keep them in working order at all times.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Community citizen can request a titleholder have their title removed, or request that a title be erased. After the request is made a Council meeting must be held where all citizens vote for or against it. If it is voted the titleholder should have their title removed they lose their place on the council, any responsibilities they have over trade and supply, and they lose their right to community goods without serving their hours in the community buildings. They are still able to ply their trade, but hold no responsibility to the equipment or keeping stock unless paid to do so. Another person meeting the qualifications can be nominated for the title at any time. If it is voted a title be erased, the council has to vote amongst themselves after the citizens have cast their vote. If the council agrees the title is lost, the titleholder is a regular citizen, and no one can hold the title again.
Civic, Professional
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Equates to
A title holder is council member. All council members hold equal rank. They have weekly Community meetings where Community citizens present any problems they have or changes they want, propose new laws, or request mediation. Three council members attend, all in a rotation. To pass new laws or pass judgement on those found guilty of a crime a Council meeting is held where the members vote and pass judgement.
Source of Authority
Those with special skills that community rely on can be nominated to hold a title. The community votes to determine if the title is granted after a nomination has been made.
Length of Term
Title holders keep their title until they graduate an apprentice and decide to retire or otherwise pass the occupation on to their apprentice.
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