Moyan Ethnicity in The Colossuss Galaxy | World Anvil
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Moyan is the name by which most of the Galaxy has come to use to refer to the people of the planet of Moya.   Locally, the name is used to refer to those who have lived under the Moyan gods during their life and follow Moyan traditions as taught by the scriptures. Being a Moyan, for locals, is a sign of one's identity, said to be expressed fenotypically through one's blood and into one's skin tone, often described to be "orange" or "terracota" despite it having a tone nearly undistinguishable from that of the rest of humans through the galaxy.   Historically, the name came to encompass all those seen as having a culture provenient from the planet, but with time, local culture impossed over popular culture, and the name started to gather significance and appreciation more than just being used to refer to people born in the planet.  


  Moyans have been characterised as thoughful and discrete, while still keeping a close grip to their culture and identity.   Its faith system encompasses many traditions, many considered ancient and gruesome, which include rituals, sacrifices, and blood offerings directed towards a large Pantheon of gods believed to rule over the universe and existence itself. Through leadership, and seeking wider galactic acceptance, some of the bloodier rituals and animal offerings have been modified, featuring many new incorporations of blood-less displays with bases on the old scriptures and reformed ancestral traditions.  

Important figures

  With the planet finally opening up to the galaxy but a century ago, it quickly managed to capture attention primarily through important figures like Eylya Haku and Lei Haku, as well as other representative figures like Ada Muha, Leo Kylmos and Gyuu Fyru, among others.  


  At least 22 million Moyans inhabit the planet, the vast majority of which know of the existence of the Galaxy and its government. It is to be noted, however, that record exists of clans not aknowledging the existence of galactic-wide governments as of current date. All major Moyan settlements are located in the coastal regions of the Kalabyra Continent, facing the large Mylagonara ocean that covers most of the planet.   From these, the more well-known ones are:
  • Kasan
  • Haban
  • Tylamon
  • Yaria

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