Själsstir (White Guides) Species in The Claw Peninsula | World Anvil
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Själsstir (White Guides)

"I saw one of 'em, sir, as I sat on me butt to catch a breather. I was fleein' from a few thugs cause of me full belly, couldn't fight just there and then, so I rolled down the slope. One of 'em evildoers followed me and 'it 'is 'ead on a stone, made a cracking noise, a clang of bent metal and there it was, floatin' just above me eyes. Slim body, not womanly nor manly, white as snow, with eyes, nose and lips but line on its face. And wings too, it 'ad wings of ice and snow, cold as daggers. And I knew, sir, it was there to take 'is soul from this mortal world.".
A Vistrand commoner's tale.

Basic Information


White Guides are made of snow and ice and, thusly, do not possess muscles, bones or any form of living tissue. Their bodies are magically animated snow.

Genetics and Reproduction

White Guides are Eldör, beings originated from the ebb and flow otf the Eld. Their origin, then, is cosmic, not biological.

Growth Rate & Stages

There is no development process in a White Guide's life, they are born ready to act on their purpose.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Själssti has no need for food or drink.

Biological Cycle

The Själsstir are more akin to natural forces than to living beings, therefore, as long as there are Eld tides there are White Guides.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The White Guides serve the purpose of guiding the souls of the dead to their place of rest. The longer their time of service, the higher the respect given by their companions. Their commands come from Visjär, the White Star.

Facial characteristics

A Själssti's face is marked by fine lines that distinguish faint silhouettes of eyes, nose and lips, which are all nothing but marks.

Average Intelligence

Their profound wisdom and knowledge of the workings of life and death make the White Guides beings of remarkable intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Having no eyes, ears or other sensory organs, the Själsstir sense their surroundings by the disturbances produced in the Eld by all things, living or not.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Själsstir names are derived from the age they were born in. One created right before the fall of Bearskull - the Days of Yore - could be named Yoren, Yorn, Byore, Gil'yor or Yorick and even synonyms or derived words can become names - Past, Yesterday or Bygone would be names for White Guides so old. The same goes for the days of Lore - Lorrent, Allore, Lorenan, Myth, Story and Legend -, of Estrangement - these tend to be unspeakeble or synonyms: Mkhunxtr, Btrawlnor, Distant, Stranger -, of Discordance - Dissent, Schism, Rupture -, of Concord - Balance, Peace, Unity, Sympathy - and of Scourge - Whip, Lash, Birch.

Relationship Ideals

White Guides are solitary beings and sometimes spend centuries alone in service. Their major gatherings occur in times of strife, war or calamity. As encounters are mostly linked to duty, their ideal relationships are discreet and respectful ones.

Common Taboos

Leaving souls unattended is the gravest mistake a Själssti can commit. If the abbandoned is left alone for too long, there's a risk it could become a ghost or similar haunting and the White Guides are demanded to deal with them.
Average Height
2 - 2,5m.
Average Weight
20 - 35kg.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their bodies are white as freshly fallen snow.

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