The Songs of the Forgotten Flower Myth in The City of Redemption | World Anvil
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The Songs of the Forgotten Flower

From days long gone   To shadows stern   It's petals bear on   Old memories we learn
-Song of Mourning, the most popular song about the Forgotten Flower


The Forgotten Flower, or as some nostalgic inhabitants of Zateric call, The Last Joy, is a myth that was probably born in the wake of the Calamity. The stories says there's a flower with silver petals that was brought to the City by an adventurer who couldn't forget the days before the Mist. The flower was not only a token of a dead world, but it's scent was able to make one's mind travel to the past, where one could experience a simpler and joyful time.   The adventurer who brought the Flower to the City died a peaceful death while sleeping one day, and the Flower disappeared. So many in the city wished to have it, to possess it's ability to go back to the past and forget the harsh present. No one knows where the Forgotten Flower is, but many bards wrote songs about it's powers, and many people yearn to, one day, get a glimpse of it's silver petals.

Historical Basis

It's unknown if the Flower actually existed or not. Some say it's just a myth made up by the King's agents to control the people, but a few assure it does exist and it's hidden somewhere in Zateric. The only known fact about the Flower is that it's legend brings peace to some people, the songs about it being a representation of a eternally griefing city who lost a world, a world it knew that was about to end.


The myth of the Forgotten Flower is common knowledge to the people of Zateric, for it's songs are a tradition among many taverns and inns across the City. If you ask a beggar or a noble about it, they will remember hearing one if the songs at least once in their lives.

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