Duerin'Baz Ethnicity in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Duerin'Baz (Dur-in boz)

In Dwarven Duerin'Baz means Dark Dwarves of the Flame but they are commonly known as Fire Dwarves across Traith. The biggest community of Duerin'Baz would be the city of Vurmar.


Shared customary codes and values

The Duerin'Baz have very strong work ethic and drive to create and manufacture various goods at an exceedingly high level of quality. They pride themselves on their craftsmanship always working and striving for perfection in their chosen profession. While they maybe prideful they can and will acknowledge they craftsmanship of other artisans.

Art & Architecture

Everything crafted by the Duerin'Baz would considered art by most cultures, this is due the level of perfection the Duerin'Baz artisans hold themselves to. The halls and tunnels of Vurmar the largest Duerin'Baz settlement are exquisitely detailed and is among the greatest structures ever created.

Coming of Age Rites

Juvenile Duerin'Baz are tasked with crafting an item to either use it to perform its proper function or to sell for a profit. This is how the Duerin'Baz children begin their journey towards adulthood and apprenticeship in the which to artisanship they chose.

Common Myths and Legends

There are many myths and legends as to the true origins of the Duerin'Baz, some tell tales of two races the Azer and Duergar banding together and eventually becoming the Duerin'Baz. Other say the Fire Dwarves were native to a volcanic world and had migrated to Traith during the first age. There may be more than a little truth to both of these theories as to the origins of the Duerin'Baz.
Duerin'Baz are just as prideful when it comes to skill in combat as they are in area of craftsmanship. All men, women, and capable child are expected to be able to aid in the defense of their settlement. This isn't really meant in the form of a military invasion so much as other species who can appreciate the temperatures of the biomes the Duerin'Baz call home. Red Dragons and Fire Giants would be the biggest threat to the Duerin'Baz and their lands.
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